Feeling Loosey Goosey- 17

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Shit... why am I thinking about his cock, oh...yeah...maybe because his hard as fuck schlong has taken up residence on my back...Oooh, for fucks Sake... I just want to drop to my knees and have him fuck my face.. No Elena, get your head out of the gutter!! As I am having this conversation in my head I grab my drink, down the rest of it, move to the side to get out of his reach to make another drink. I see he still has some of his left so I don't bother asking if he needs a refill. I feel his eyes on me, and its not making my situation down under any better. I am a horny hot mess... Why isn't this liquor working... My body is still super tense. Normally a couple of Whisky's in and I feel pretty loosey-goosey. but I guess my body decided to be immune to that magical amber liquid tonight.

I finish plating our food and walk to the living room, put our food on the coffee table. I really don't use my kitchen table to eat, I prefer to be comfy on the couch when I eat. Yup, I am one of those informal people that has a kitchen table for appearances only, I giggle at my thoughts.

All the while he is leaning on the wall in the kitchen next to where I was plating the food, just watching my every move. What I would give to know what is going through his mind right now. But I am definitely not going down that rabbit hole in my brain..

Once he sees where we are going to eat, he walks over to the couch and sits, still sipping his drink. At this point I have no clue how many I have drank but I am feeling a little warm and fuzzy. FINALLY this shit is working. My body is not so tense anymore actually... hmmm...this warm and fuzzy feeling is similar to what Jaxon makes me feel when he touches me.

As I am having this conversation internally with myself, I notice my drink is empty. I'm sitting here staring at my empty glass. When the hell did that happen? Well... I shrug my shoulders; I can't let him drink alone. I better go make me a new one.

I look over at his drink and notice it's empty.

"Would you like another drink" I ask a little to seductively.

"Yes, Please." he politely says, with a sexy ass smile on his face.

I make our drinks and hand him his before I go and sit at the opposite end of the couch. I need to make sure there is ample space between us while we eat. If not, who knows what I might do to that gorgeous piece of hunka-hunka burning love.. Did I just really quote Elvis.. I stifle a chuckle.

He smirks when he sees me settle in and get comfortable on the opposite end of the couch with my plate in hand.

He starts rolling up his sleeves and unbuttons the top buttons on his tight dress shirt. When did he take off his tie? What the fuck... This man is a ninja.

Is that ink on his fore arms and on the top of his chest. I can't stop staring, when I realize I am licking my lips, and eye fucking the shit out of him right now. Luckily, he does not see me checking him out. It looks is hungry and hyper focused on eating his food.

As I am watching him eat, I notice his shirt pulls tight around his broad shoulders and arms.

Which only gets the coochie dripping like a leaky faucet. I find myself clenching my thighs like a vice grip to try to sooth some of the craziness happening down yonder .. Geez Louise, my girl downstairs has not been this enthusiastic, like ever... this must be his superpower, opening the flood gates to all women's vaginas, I joke mentally to myself and I can't help but giggle!!

He turns to look at me with a curious look on his face.

"You do that a lot don't you?" He asks me playfully.

"hmmm..Sorry, I do what, a lot?" I ask with some confusion in my tone.

"You giggle at random times, when there is no funny banter happening. Makes me wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours." He asks seductively.

"Well Mr. Hart. To be honest, I don't think you can handle what is going on in my head".

"Hmmm, Well why don't you try me, I might surprise you" he says playfully

"And Please call me Jaxon" he asks sweetly.

"okay... Jaxon." I say in a soft sensual voice

"you're a very interesting woman Elena". He says with this come fuck me look.. Dear lord help me..

I watch him as he sucks up those chow Mein noodles with those oooh soooo yummy lips.. Shit.. I am definitely eye fucking him right now... Mental note stop looking at him!! Also, I think the Whiskey has officially kicked in...Yup... I think I am definitely feeling it.. I'm not sure if my pussy is tingling because of Jaxon or the whisky. Ok, I need to get my mind off sex I scold myself.

"Do you want to watch a movie while we eat?" I ask, needing a distraction.

"I normally don't have time for movies or TV. But when I do I like action or horror films." He replies with a little frown.

"That's just sad and plain wrong that you can't find time to just sit on a couch and veg out on a movie"

"Well, I don't mind horror, but I end up having nightmares. Plus, they make me a little paranoid. I start checking closets, showers, under the bed, fridge you name it. So how about Rush Hour- its action and a comedy." I say very animatedly as I flail my hands about.

I hear Jaxon chuckle and say " I don't think I've seen that movie, but sure lets watch it".

I look at him in with a shocked expression on my face. "What planet are you from that you haven't seen Rush hour, with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker".

He chuckles again and shrugs his shoulder as he continues to eat.

Damn, he really was hungry. "Would you like some more, there is plenty? looks like you were hungry." I ask as I point to his plate.

He puts his finger up for me to hold on as he finishes chewing.

"Apologies, yes, I was starving. I skipped Lunch due to my crazy schedule today and I typically try to eat dinner no later than 6. So, thank you again for sharing your dinner with me. I truly appreciate your kindness" he replies while taking a large sip of his drink.

"Your Very Welcome Jaxon. I am very happy to have been of service." and I giggle again as I take another drink of my whisky.

Jaxson turns to look at me with this lustful look, when I realize what I said might not have been appropriate, but whatever... He knew what I meant.. Right?

I was able to find Rush hour on Netflix and we start watching it as we silently finish eating.

Elena UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now