WTF- 29

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I stare at Jaxon with my mouth gaping wide open. He really wants to spend another night with me?

"Cierra tu boca E, or I'm gonna ask Sweet Cheeks to find something to put in it." Eva says with a mischievous smile.

I shut my mouth quickly and blush at what came out Eva's mouth. I hope Jaxon didn't understand what she said to me, but from the smug look on his face he got the gist.

I look over at the girls not knowing how to respond. I'm still trying to figure out why he would want to spend another night with me. I know that he is the best sex I ever had but he must have had better than me since I am still a novice at this sex thing.

"Well, no worries about having to be there to let me in. I have a key and Sofie is watching Ezra for me. Plus, Elena hasn't had a social life in almost half a decade. We are just excited to see her happy and getting back into the dating scene." Dawn explains as she winks at me.

"Who would have thought that our shy little E, had it in her to snatch up the wealthiest most sought-after Bachelor? So happy you have a new beau girlie," Sofie comments.

I am not really digging the way Sofie said that. What the heck is going on?

"We are not dating or is he snatched up guys! He is my boss and that is it...Please don't make it bigger than it is." I exclaim a little too curtly.

I see Jaxon tense up; he excuses himself and asks where the restroom is at.

While Dawn is letting him know where to find the bathroom, Eva & Sofie look at me like I have just murdered their dog. Seriously why the fuck are they upset.

"That was rude Elena"... Sofie scolds me.

"Yeah, we were just messing around, you didn't have to go all aggro on us". Eva says while shaking her head.

"I didn't mean to come off bitchy you guys, He is the first guy I have been intimate with in over 3 years. I don't want a relationship and neither does Jaxon. I am not ready for that, and neither is he. This might not even go anywhere." I start to feel my anxiety start to bubble up. Why was Sofie making it seem like I was a gold-digging hoe? She knows me... She knows I could care less about his money. Luke had money but I still paid for almost everything.

"Come on Guys, I get where she is coming from. She wants to take things super slow; she went through a lot with "the one who shan't be named. She gave him all her trust and he abused and stomped on it". Dawn scolds Eva and Sofie.

"She has every right to guard her heart. He abused her in every sense of the word. We were all there when the shit hit the fan. We were there when she was recovering in the hospital, not to mention the years of therapy for the mental abuse he put her through. It took a long Ass time to get her where she is today." Dawn reminds them while holding my hand.

"Yes, Jaxon seems like a decent guy and right now seems to have great qualities, but we don't know him. Let's give our girl a break." As Dawn finishes up her speech, she hugs me, and the waterworks start when I start to think about everything I went through with Luke. I never want to give my heart to anyone like that again.

When the girls see me break down, they run to me and hug me apologizing. "We just want to see you happy and give love another try. We don't want you to give up". Eva chimes in.

I am so embarrassed. Why did I let myself get this emotional, especially with Jaxon here. I walk over to the sink, splash water on my face, and get my emotions back in check. When I look up and see Jaxon standing there looking at me with pity in his eyes. How long has he been standing there; how much did he hear? Damn it! This is exactly what I didn't want. I stare back at him, and everyone turns around and looks at him. He is not going to want anything to do with me now that he knows just how broken I am. I wasn't ready to disclose this part of my life yet. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, maybe he didn't hear anything.

"Where do you want me to start, and do we need some tunes to get us motivated?" Jaxon asks with his panty dropping smile.

"Depends on what kinda tunes Mr. GQ." Dawn replies playfully.

 "Well, I have an eclectic selection, but I was thinking my work out playlist would work for what we need to accomplish tonight. It's mainly Metallica, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, and few others". We all stare at each other and then look back at him with huge smiles on our faces.

"What, did I say something wrong? Do you guys not like that playlist, I have others," Jaxon asks

"Like I said before GQ, you are gonna fit in just great with us. We definitely think your work out mix will get us going. Let me just put Ezra to sleep, I have a portable speaker we can use it in the garage. We will be in there most of the time, I moved everything out there earlier today, so we wouldn't wake up Ezra while we pack." Dawn grins as she walks away to put Ezra to sleep.

Jaxon saunters over to me and kisses my forehead tenderly. "Are you okay"?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about my friends and my emotional outburst Jaxon. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or hurt your feelings in any way". I say while trying to pluck off imaginary lint off my shirt.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine. I'm a big boy, I can take it. Plus, I enjoy spending time with you. And your friends, they just have colorful personalities." He chuckles as he takes my hand, kisses my palm. He keeps my hand in his as I lead him to the garage.

We listen to Jaxon's playlist as we pack. We finally finished up packing around midnight, luckily, she had most of it done before we got there. Once we got the boxes Dawn wanted us to take in Jaxon's SUV we all said our goodbyes and Jaxon & I took off back to my place. Eva and Sofie were staying the night with Dawn.

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