Fighting for the woman's heart- Part 56

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I grab my phone from the table and called Vincent so he can place an order with a local florist. "I want all the daisies they have in the store. Ask them to add some small purple flowers to the bouquet as well. Okay great, let me know when I can pick them up." I finish up my call with Vincent and look over at Jeremy while I take my last sip of my coffee. I am starting to feel a little better now that I have had some coffee and ate some greasy food.

"Now, what are you going to do with this demonic harlet, that came over to seduce you." Jeremy asks.

"I'm going to have to let her go. But... if I am being honest, yes, she did come on to me, but I didn't stop her." I say shamefully.

"Oh, Fascinating! Let me add that to my list of who gives a FLYING FUCK Jaxon!! This conniving devils spawn knew that you were with Elena and she still came over here with the intention of bedding you. Yes, you Fucked up and allowed her in, but you were going to push her away when you realized what you were doing. Unless what you've told me is bullshit?

"No...Your right..." I reply sadly.

"Elena is the victim, and you and Olivia are the Assholes who broke her heart by having her witness that pornographic scene of you and that.. that.. succubus. You have to look at this from her point of view. Would she feel comfortable getting back with you if Olivia were still working with you? She would have to worry about you two, not to mention that this is going to take a while for her to trust you again. You know how much I hate women like Olivia. One even fooled me long enough to get a proposal or did you already forget that whole ordeal with that money grubbing, title chasing two faced Katie." He scolds me.

Shit I almost forgot about Katie. Jeremy fell hard and fast for this manipulative serpent. I think to myself.

"I am here for you man, but you need to put on your big boy pants and understand that you are going to have to prove to her that you are worthy of her heart again. I wish I could find a girl that wants me for me, and not my money. That is so hard to find, and you took it for granted you fucking moron, and for a cheap two-dollar hoe to boot. "He says while shaking his head.

"I know...I Know... I Fucked up, I will never hurt her again, I will make sure she knows how much she means to me... if she takes me back, that is." I reply.

"I sure hope you learned you lesson Jax." Because girls like Elena are rare and far between.

"Alright! Enough bashing you for being an imbecile. Let's hear what you have in mind to get your girl back. He says with a smirk.

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