Surprise! Part 42

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"Hey there rockstar," Dawn chuckles out while walking in with baby Ezra.

"How many of those have you had their crazy lady?" She asks still chuckling walking over to me.

"Hiiiiiii!!! My Beautiful Bestie y mi Chaparito chulo!" I slur out.

"Ummm, I haaaaave had like three, maybe five teen. Ehhh I lost count. I giggle.

"Well alrighty then, this is gona be a fun night!" She says playfully as she puts Ezra down in his play pen.

"Make me one of those will ya sweet cheeks," she asks as she smacks my butt, my PJ shorts don't cover much of the bottom portion of my ass.

I happily skip to the kitchen to make Dawn a drink and go and give it to her.

"Thank you Love," she says sweetly.

"Something smells amazing, what did you make?" She asks while taking a sip of her Dirty Shirley.

"Damn Woman is there any 7-up in this drink?" She asks making a sour face.

"I made Spaghetti, salad and garlic bread and there's a splash of 7-up Bitch you need to get to my level," I chuckle.

"Well, this one drink will get me there. You do remember that I have a 6 month old I have to take care of." She teasingly asks.

"Yes and your right, here give me that" (as I grab her drink and she laughs) I run to the kitchen and hand her the half empty can of 7-up. "here, you drink this and I will be more than happy to consume the alcohol." I wink and take another drink.

"Lets eat," as I go and plate our food, make Ezras baba and then place everything on the coffee table for us. I go over to Ezra in the playpen and coo at him while he plays with his toys and Dawn gets comfy.

When Dawn comes out, she notices I already made his bottle and hands it to him while we sit and eat.

"Thank you for making his bottle E," she says as she takes a bite of the spaghetti.

"This is delicious E, Yumm" she exclaims. "If you keep feeding me like this I am never going to move out," she giggles.

"So don't move, we can live together forever," I whisper and tears well up in my eyes.

Dawn looks up at me with confusion. "Okay spill it E, you have been moping around, not eating, looking exhausted this whole week." She demands.

"I know you don't like talking about your feelings and I have tried to give you space and time, but you need to talk about it before you become a zombie permanently." She tells me.

"Ughhh," I sigh.

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