Quick getaway y.

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Jaxons POV

I had totally forgotten that Dad was stopping by for lunch today. I was kneeling beside Elena about to kiss those pouty red lips of hers when Dad walked into the office. I could see she immediately got nervous and wanted to leave the room, but I didn't allow her to leave. Dad knew who she was when he saw her, and I couldn't help but notice the mischievous tell-all smile he had on his face while looking at us.

I saw her tense up when dad asked her to join us for lunch. I was happy that Dad wanted to get to know her, but I didn't want him to make her uncomfortable, especially since she is a flight risk. I was able to talk her into going to lunch with us. When I pulled her in for a hug, my cock had one thing in mind and that was wanting to be buried deep inside her. While she screamed my name over and over again. Damn, I am going to need a minute to get a handle on this hardon. Luckily she didn't notice before she walked out to grab her purse. I stayed behind while thinking of dead animals, naked old people, clowns, anything but Elena.

When I'm finally able to leave the office, I see Elena looking at dad with such admiration, it made me smile. We walk to the elevator together when Olivia pops out from around the corner. She flirtatiously greets me and starts touching my arm, which annoys me. But I know that Charles loves her like a daughter, and I respect Charles, so I put up with her flirtatious behavior. Then Olivia makes a comment about Elena having "boy-toys"? What the Fuck is Olivia talking about?

"No, No, Olivia. I think you're thinking about your own social calendar. I have no need for boy toys, I actually have some self-respect," I hear Elena say in a sweet voice, but you can tell she was holding back. I am going to have to ask Elena about their relationship or lack thereof.

Everything was going swimmingly, until we got to the restaurant. I noticed the hostess looking at me, I know that look, I've seen it millions of times before. She was pretty, with a fit and athletic type body, she wasn't exactly my type, but I would have considered taking her to my hotel room. Typically, my dick would get excited with her physique, but my cock didn't even twitch. But when I look at Elena with all her intoxicating curves, my cock is at attention immediately. Damn, my body has a mind of its own when Elena is around, which baffles me. I have never lost control of my senses like this.

I wasn't flirting with the petite hostess initially, but I wanted to see what reaction I would get from Elena if she saw me flirting with another woman. I have never liked a dramatic woman, so this was more of a test to see how she handles these types of situations.

I didn't have to do much; a flirtatious smile and subtle look and the hostess was off to the races with her bold coquetry. The lack of response from Elena had me confused. She acted as if she didn't care, how is that possible? She was content just chit chatting with my dad, until she got thirsty and that was when she sweetly asked the hostess to send the server our way to take our drink order. I am not just confused at Elenas lack of reaction, I am confused as to why I am feeling so flustered with her because she did not have any reaction to the flirting. I expected her to be a little upset or show some kind of annoyance in her demeanor or even a stern look, anything.

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