Will you be my girlfriend- Part 44

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I'm surprised to see Dawn and Eva shooting the shit on my couch. Jaxon looks a little too amused for my liking.

"Jaaxon," Eva exaggeratedly moans out loudly. "How are ya feeling there 'Big J' Eva playfully asks.

I turn to look at Jaxon and he is as red as a beet... I can't help but giggle.

"Morning guys," I say cheerfully. "How long have you been here?" I ask

"Hey E! We have been here for about an hour. We made coffee and we picked up donuts if you want some. I'm sure you guys worked up an appetite." Dawn winks at us.

"Just an FYI, everyone in the building now knows Jaxon's name thanks to you." Eva spits out as she try's not to laugh.

I stand there embarrassed trying to figure out what to do with my hands, not knowing how Jaxon is going to react to this. My friends can be a bit over the top and I don't know if he is okay with my friends being this candid or not. I don't even want to look at him, I am so embarrassed. Shit, what if he doesn't like my friends, that's a deal breaker for me. I know my friends can be a little intrusive at times, but I love them, they are my family. We are a package deal, and Jaxon needs to understand that. Before my mind starts going deeper into a rabbit hole, I feel him take my hand. He gently pinches my chin with his other hand to look at him. When our eyes lock, he smiles and kisses me gently on the lips. And just like that my crazy thoughts disappear.

"How sweet are they. Oh my gosh I'm getting a toothache." I hear the girls bantering back and forth.

"Oh, hush it up, you pair of dingle berries." I scold them.

"Where's Sofie?" I ask the girls.

"She left about half an hour ago after she got a text from some new friend that needed her help with something or another." Dawn informed me, sounding a little annoyed.

"Me personally I think she was tired of hearing you scream 'Jaxon...oh...Jaxon...'over and over again." Eva says in an overly dramatic and high-pitched voice...

All I hear is Dawn & Eva laughing hysterically. I look over at Jaxon, to see him grinning from ear to ear. Yeah... Yeah...We know you're a sex God. Don't let it get to your head there big boy, I think to myself.

"Well, you guys enjoy your morning gossiping about us. Jaxon and I are going to go grab a bite to eat." I say as I go grab my purse off the kitchen table. Jaxon is right behind me when I get to the door.

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