For the love of Grandparents- Part 49

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I start to regain consciousness and I hear a light beeping sound. Damn, did I sleep away my weekend and forget to turn off my damn alarm? I force my eyes open and get them to focus. Wait.. What the...This isn't my room, where the heck am I? I look around and the strong smell of antiseptic cleaner is overwhelming. I turn my head and see I'm hooked up to several machines. I start to panic and instinctively place my hands on my belly. I hear Eva and Dawn before I see them and feel them grab my hand.

"Is the Baby, okay? What happen? I feel my tears streaming down my face.

The girls were about to answer me, when a bubbly nurse with big bright blue eyes and looks like she is in her 50's walks in and notices I am awake.

"Ms. Santos, my name is Fiona, and I will be your nurse. How are you feeling?" she asks sweetly as she makes her way next to my bed and starts checking the IV bag and where they placed the venous cannula.

"I...Is. The baby okay? What happen? How did I get here?" I stutter out while sobbing.

The nurse places her warm soft hand in mine. "Your baby is just fine sweetheart. You were brought in by ambulance, from what I understand, your friends here found you passed out and called 911." She informs me in her kind voice.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear the baby is fine. I didn't know how much I wanted this baby until I thought something bad happen to it. I was already becoming attached to this little peanut growing in my tummy. I wrack my brain trying to remember what happen to bring me in here. I look at my friends for answers.

As if the nurse was reading my mind. "You were very dehydrated, and your blood pressure was elevated my dear. You need to make sure that you keep yourself hydrated and try to avoid stress sweetie pie." She sweetly scolds me.

"I will, I..I will. I will make sure I take care of myself I swear, I just couldn't keep anything down for almost 24 hours and I just broke up with my boyfriend." I explain. I don't know why I divulged the last part... I mentally face palm myself.

"How long have I been here?" I ask the nurse.

"Since about 11:00am this morning and its 7:36 p.m. now darlin. Seems like your body needed some shut eye." She says as she rubs my shoulder and then finishes checking my vitals.

"Elena" I hear Emma cry out and rush to my side with Charles right behind. I notice Emma's eyes are red and puffy. "Oh, my sweet girl, what happen?" Emma asks franticly.

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