The Aftermath- 23

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I hear Jaxon moving around the room. I don't have the energy to even open my eyes. Hmmm... he must be grabbing his stuff to leave. I hope it's not awkward on Monday at work after all this. I'm too tired and to be honest still a little drunk to think of that now.

All of a sudden, I feel the other side of my bed sink in, and I feel strong arms grabbing me and pulling me into his warm rock-hard body. He spoons me and I fall asleep almost instantly. Preparing myself for him not to be here when I wake up but enjoying every minute with him now.

I fall into a deep sleep dreaming of Jaxon and our sex-capades.

I start waking up to the sun streaming in and hitting my face as I stretch. I feel strong arms around my waist, and I immediately freeze. Then my memories from last night come flooding back. Last night was not a dream, it really happen.

Shit... I really drank a lot last night. It turned me into a hussy. I giggle to myself.

Umm... I'm naked... I thought I fell asleep in a towel? Where did that Damn thing go? I think to myself.

Jaxon's grip tightens and his face nuzzles into my neck and breathes me in. I am freaking out a bit and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I haven't woken up next to another male besides Luke, and that has been years.

Then I hear Jaxon "Good Morning Beautiful"

I giggle as he kisses my neck, and the scruff on his face is tickling me. All I know is that I need to go Pee, and his strong grip is making me squirm.

"I have to pee! Please stop tickling me, please". I laugh out loud while I squirm around trying to break free of his death grip. I am now full on laughing, tears and all. I think I might pee myself..

Jaxon finally lets me go and I jump up off the bed, naked as the day I was born. I can't believe I just streaked to the rest room not caring that my towel is still laying on the bed somewhere.

I have never been so happy to relieve myself. I was also grateful that I had left my oversized t-shirt on the bathroom counter from when I took my shower this morning. I put on my T-shirt that ended above my knees, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

When I walked back into my room, Jaxon was gone. I was a little disappointed, but I understood that he had to leave sooner or later. I was honestly surprised he stayed as long as he did.

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