Did I just Say I Love you???

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He pulls his hood down and I follow suit. He looks serious now and there is a vein on the side of his neck that is pulsing like it's going to explode. He must really be nervous. Not to mention I see the little sweat beads dripping down his forehead. He clicks a button on the side panel and

the air conditioning turns on.

"Elena... I wanted... I wanted... to say... ummmm...Thank you for accepting my invitation and giving me a chance to explain. I need you to know..." he grabs my hand and looks me dead in the eyes before he continues.

"That Olivia coming over that night was not planned, Brad was supposed to come over and drop off my laptop and some files." He pauses for a few seconds before continuing.

"After our... phone call I started drinking and was pretty drunk when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door Olivia was there with my laptop and files." He stopped, sighs and runs his left hand through his hair, tugging it roughly back.

My heart literally aches right now but I don't want to say anything until he's done. I give him a nod to continue.

He sighs again "I..I allowed her to come in while I ran upstairs to set my computer and files in the office. I never asked her to come upstairs, I swear to you. When I turned around to go back downstairs and tell her thank you and let her out... But... she was already in the office and walking over toward the window. I thought she just wanted to look at the view, so I sat down to plug in my laptop and get it set up to give her some time to check out the view. I was about to ask her to leave when she was right next to me, watching me set up my computer. She startled me and when I looked up at her face, she leaped on me like a crazy flying squirrel."

All I could do, was sit here and listen, forcing my tears back. I can see the pain it is causing him to tell me this as well. But all I can think of is 'Good! I hope it hurts Fucker... '

"But, no I didn't stop her from kissing me... And I regret that more than you will ever know... When you walked in, I realized what I was doing and was about to push her away... I swear nothing else happened and nothing ever will. I threw her out on her ass when you ran out. All I could think about was finding you but when I went around the neighboring streets and couldn't find you, I decided to head to your house... But my plans were throttled when I got pulled over and was detained for a DUI."

Oh Shit, well that explains why he didn't come over that night. But he deserved it, I do not feel bad for his dumb ass. He should have known better! I think to myself. He is watching me trying to decipher what I'm thinking. I don't want to give anything up, so I stay quiet until he starts back up again.

"Baby, I never drink and drive but I was so scared I would never see you again." I saw his eyes fill with tears. I wanted to hug him. I do understand, but I am not happy he didn't stop her. But he did say he wasn't going to make any excuses. I do appreciate his honesty.

He looks at me, the air feels a little stifling. I'm getting nervous with the silence. "I love you Elena." He says as I see his eyes filled with unshed tears.

My mouth drops. That is the first time he has said those 3 words to me. I am dumb struck. My mouth literally dropped. I want to tell him I love him too but I'm not ready to say it yet. I definitely need some time.

"It's okay baby girl, you don't have to say it back. Just please tell me you forgive me and will give us another chance. Please, baby tell me that you will give me one more chance to make this right."

I see a few tears fall from his eyes and I don't say anything, I can't I am so overwhelmed with emotions. Next thing I know, I start to cry as I reach over and hug him with all my might. I hope that my actions speak louder than words, since it seems as if I am temporarily unable to vocalize my feelings.

We hold each other until we feel the car come to a stop. It feels like home in his arms. I missed him so very much. My heart feels complete when we are together if that makes any sense.

He pulls away a bit and pulls my chin up to look into his eyes. "I love you baby girl and I am so sorry I hurt you." He lightly kisses my nose.

"You have owned my heart from the moment we met in the elevator." He smiles at me lovingly, which only makes me yearn for him even more.

"Now on a different note baby girl. I have to ask if you brought the two items as per the instructions?" He says with a huge smile on his face.

I wipe away my tears and nod my head in agreement. I pull out the golf ball and ticket from my bag. His words still resonating as I replay them over and over. He has just melted all the ice that collected around my heart... I am so screwed!!!

Good, he says with a smirk. The driver opens the door for us. Jaxon gets out first and then gives me his hand to help me out. I look around trying to figure out where we're at. It looks like the LA Fairplex, but I'm not too sure.

I am in complete and utter awe at what I see in front of me. It's a train station set up, and it looks professionally done. It looks like it was a huge parking lot that got transformed into a train station complete with a train that looks like Casey juniors train without the monkey cages. There is someone at the ticket booth at the pretend train station. The middle-aged woman is dressed as a train conductor wearing grey with thin black pinstriped overalls with a pink long sleeve button up shirt. A black and pink handkerchief around her neck with a cute matching pinstriped hat.

I don't even know what to say, this is just so Fucking amazing. The woman asks me for my ticket. I can't stop smiling and looking around at this set up. It looks like a professional stage set up. There are large portable black walls so I can't see what's on the other side, which just makes me more excited.

I'm finally able to get my ticket out and show it to the lady conductor. She hole punches a number one on the bottom middle of the ticket then I gently place it back in my bag.

"Make sure you hold on to your ticket Miss, since you will need it at your next stop." She says sweetly. I smile back at her, and I manage to squeak out a thank you.

Jaxon pulls me closer to his side and leads me to the Casey Junior train where I see a male conductor wearing the same outfit as the lovely lady inside. The only difference is he is wearing a dark blue shirt with a white handkerchief around his neck.

He looks to be in his early 50s, with an athletic build. He has these big expressive blue eyes that were smiling at us. Yes... I said his eyes were smiling, they just looked like big ole happy smiley eyes! He said we can pick our seats and I of course wanted to sit up front close to the conductor. Once we sat down, the lady conductor hopped on the back, to make sure that no one jumped off while the train is moving, I'm assuming. Or maybe she just wanted to ride this bad ass train in the middle of a fucking parking lot. I mean who the Fuck wouldn't want to ride on this thing!!  

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