Awkward Introduction- 4

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Lucy the beautiful, brown eyed, red headed receptionist smiles at me and greets me "Happy Monday Elena", she says cheerfully with her genuinely cheery disposition.

"Good Morning Lucy". I reply sweetly

Right then Lucy notices the hottie right behind me. Her eyes instantly start to undress him as her smile becomes flirty and her voice becomes a little sultry when she greets him. I can't really blame her at all, Jaxon Hart is every girl's wet dream.

I keep walking not realizing he is still behind me, thinking Lucy was having him check in and I had some time to compose myself when I got to my desk before he got there.

Luckily, I kept up the overly exaggerated hip swaying all the way to my desk. Which is situated in front of Mr. Hines's office.

I set my purse in the bottom drawer of my desk before I sat down and then started up my computer. I see that Mr. Hines is already in his office. I turn my head back to my computer and notice Jaxon Hart standing in front of my desk looking at me with his seductive brown eyes smiling down at me. Are the caramel specks swirling or is that my imagination. My eyes can't help but keep going to his plump yummy lips.. Damn he caught me again! Shit! Don't think I didn't catch that flirty smile on his face before I looked away, the cocky bastard.

I was about to ask Mr.Hart, how I could assist him.. When I hear Mr.Hines, "Good Morning Elena". I look at him with a warm smile and "say good morning, sir" before I turn back to greet the hottie.

I turn to face toward Jaxon Hart, but Mr. Hines beats me to the punch, he quickly walks over to Jaxon and shakes his hand, Welcome Jaxon. So nice to see you in person.

"Jaxon, this is my personal assistant Ms. Santos, I don't know what I would do without her." Mr. Hines says with such excitement it's infectious. He is just the sweetest most kindhearted man. I swear I almost cried when I heard him say that and the love in his eyes when he looked at me, like I was truly his family.

I struggle to get out of my thoughts and finally turn to shake Jaxon's hand. I notice my hands are shaking a bit, it must be nerves, I think to myself. Get it together, stop looking at his lips, you are a professional, I mentally tell myself. Stay focused on his eyes, just his eyes! You can do it, I tell myself.

"Nice to finally meet you Mr. Hart, I am Elena Santos ". When our hands touch I feel an electric shock pulsate throughout my body all the way to my nether region... Damn... If my girl down stairs doesn't stop drooling, I am going to have to take an impromptu break to go buy new panties. Get it together woman! I clench my thighs together to stop the moisture from escaping. I'm not sure what is going on with my libido, but I blame that sexy piece of hotness.. Jaxon Hart

When I looked up at him, I could tell he felt it too, he was looking at his hand then looked at me.. Okay.. I need to act cool and collected, as if my hoooha didn't just get an electric jolt form a simple hand shake... I can do this.

"Pleasure meeting you Ms. Santos" Jaxon says in His smooth sensual voice. He has this sexy smile and then winks at me as he enters Mr. Hines office. Holy shit, that was awkward. I mentally ask my vagina to please behave herself for the love of God!

I decide that I need some coffee before I start sending out reminders to everyone that Mr. Hines & Mr. Hart have meetings with today. I mentally remind myself that my meeting is at 1pm, right after lunch.

God, what if I get let go after my meeting at 1pm. I only have $887.12 in my savings. I would have more, but my apartment is not cheap. Not to mention I try to pay extra to my student loans every month so I can have them paid off before I am 80! Not to mention the debt my Egg Donor saddled me with. But enough with negative shit!

I stand and smooth out my shirt, take a deep breath. I grab my coffee mug from my top desk drawer and head to the employee lunchroom. I am so grateful that someone has already made coffee and lookie here it just finished brewing. Maybe just, Maybe my day is turning around after all. I pour myself a cup with half & half, a sugar packet, stir and then take a sip, mmmmmmmm so good. I whisper

As I walk back to my desk with my yummy coffee, I can't help but hear the managers whispering to each other as I walk by. As they look at me with worried looks, I know they are talking about the meetings today. It's not personal, they are not talking about me or my appearance.. I tell myself mentally to chill out.. My silly insecurities don't take much for me to take them to another level and start consuming me.

I get back to my desk, sit down and send out all the meeting reminders to the employees that have meetings today. As I finish going through and clearing out my emails, I check the time.

The first meeting starts in 15 minutes. Mr. Hines loses track of time, which requires me to always physically go in and give him an in-person reminder. He hates using the computer pop up reminders, but that is why he has me, or should I say had me. A bittersweet feeling comes over me and I pout at the thought.

I knock lightly on Mr. Hines door when I hear him say "come in". I open the door and take a few steps into the doorway to find Mr. Hines standing and slightly leaning against the front right edge of his desk greeting me with a warm smile while Mr. Hart is sitting in a plush chair just to the left of Mr. Hines.

"Mr. Hines , Mr. Hart your first meeting is in 15 minutes, I am heading to the conference room to make sure it's ready for today's meetings." I say politely, making sure I only make eye contact with Mr. Hines

"Thank you, Elena. We will make our way to theconference room here shortly". Mr. Hindsreplies kindly

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