Taking the Initiative- 30

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As we were driving, I was contemplating asking him how much of the conversation he overheard. Right when I was getting the courage to ask him, he broke the silence.

"Your friends are pretty funny, I like them" Jaxon chuckles.

"Yeah, they're great! They are my ride or die besties. I have known Dawn the longest, we were friends since I was about 9 years old. The other 2 crazy girls I have known since my freshman year at college, we just clicked."

I start to fiddle with my fingers and pick pretend lint off my jeans. "I'm sorry again about earlier Jaxon. I Didn't mean to get emotional tonight. The girls brought up my ex, and he is always a sore subject."

"I saw you standing outside the kitchen, how much did you overhear?" I ask looking down at my hands that are now on my lap.

"Ummm... Well... honestly, most of it, I think. He replies taking a quick glance my way.

Shit, that is what I was afraid of. Damn it. I look out the window so he can't see my face, I am trying hard to fight back my tears.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Jaxon says sweetly.

"Thank you, I would prefer not to talk about it right now," I whisper and Jaxon nods in agreement. The rest of the ride was pleasantly quiet, which I am grateful for.

We get to my place and Jaxon parks in my parking garage. Jaxon grabs 2 boxes while I can only grab one, there are 4 more in the car. We take the elevator up to my apartment; I lead Jaxon to dawns room and set the box I have in the walk-in closet. I'm lucky my apartment has 2 master bedrooms with walk in closets and their own personal ensuite, so plenty of room for both Dawn and Baby Ezra.

Right when Jaxon drops his boxes, he turns to me and grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him. He kisses me with this hunger and possessiveness that has my body humming.

Oh, how I wanted to rip his clothes off!!! Fuck what is stopping me... I need to show him how much I want him. He is normally the one to instigate our sexual endeavors. I think it's time to show him how much he turns me on.

Both my hands were on his chest, I started lowering my right hand moving over his very defined and muscular chest, down to his 6 pack. Until my hand moved slowly over to his crotch, where his growing bulge was. I started rubbing his cock from outside his jeans. He moaned in my mouth as he deepened our kiss. I smiled while mentally giving myself a high five. I was never comfortable enough to be this bold, it's such a rush.

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