Whiskey Time- 11

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I finally get home; traffic was a Bitch!! I park the car in the parking garage and hop on the elevator to the 7th floor, where I hope my girls are already there, I need their advice!! It's already 7:13pm it took over 2 hours to get home tonight. Maybe with this raise I can find a place closer to work? Who am I kidding, Beverly hills is way to expensive for my blood..

Sofie and Eva are already here with a drink in hand, (Luckily all 4 of us have each other's house keys

in case of emergencies. Plus my scatterbrained ass is always losing my keys and the girls insisted I give them a spare).

Hey E!! they both yell out simultaneously (E is a nickname my oldest friend Dawn gave me when we were kids and it kinda stuck). So what happen asked Sofie as Eva nodded in approval before I was even able to close the door.

I looked at them and smiled but I just wasn't able to answer. "I need a drink first" I said sighing. I started kicking off my heels and dropped my purse on the kitchen table. I walked silently to the kitchen counter where the girls had set out the liquor and red solo cups along with snacks and what looks like sundae toppings.

I pop a funyon in my mouth and start to make my drink, I grab my rocks glass (because you can't use a solo cup for my precious Whiskey), my black cherries in syrup from my liquor cabinet. I start making my signature drink, I add 2 black cherries with some syrup in my rocks glass, muddle them then pour some Whiskey, stir and take a long pull.

The girls haven't taken their eyes off me, knowing it must be serious because I'm normally a chatty cathy 24/7.. I take another sip as I was about to start my dialog on my crazy day.

When a very out of breath and wheezy Dawn, (which leads me to believe she took the stairs all the up to my apartment because she has this fear of my old rickety elevator. I can't blame her because when I first moved in here she got stuck in my elevator for almost an hour) opens the door to my apartment startling all of us, as she grumbles out- "you.. need to.. move... to... the first.. floor... "

While Dawn is saying this to us, she stumbles forward toward the couch where Sofie and Eva are. Dawn tries to make it to the couch before her legs give out, but instead she accidentally steps on Sofie's foot. This causes Sofie's drink to spill all over Sofie as well as my coffee table and poor Dawn haphazardly lands on Eva's lap in the process. When Dawn fell on Eva, it caused her to lose her grip on her drink, and all you see is Eva's drink fly up and amber liquid land on Dawns head. Then you see Dawns tongue jerk out to lick the alcoholic beverage leaking down her head onto her eyes and mouth.

I am standing in the kitchen watching all this happen, in what feels like slow motion. I stand there looking at all 3 of them stunned into a silent stupor. I can't help but burst out laughing as Eva and Sofie start yelling at Dawn who is just a hot mess on the couch not giving a single fuck, as she tries to catch her breath.

Dawn still laying on Eva's lap, trying to just gather herself. When the girls notice me in utter hysterics, tears flowing from laughing so hard, snorting and all. They all stop and look at me and start laughing uncontrollably as well.

When we all finally settle down and they get cleaned up, I make us all a new drink. Well, not me... I'm on my 3rd and I am feeling warm and tingly right about now.

I start to explain what happen to me today, when there is a knock at my door, and before I can say anything, Eva screams "Pizza!!!" And runs to the door. She takes the 2 large pepperoni, onion and mushroom pizzas from Perry's our favorite Pizza place!! We each stand in the kitchen grabbing a paper towel and piece of pizza in hand ready to get our grub on.

Okay.. spill, Dawn mumbles as she takes a bite of her pizza.

I take another sip of my drink and tell them what had happen today including the parts about my very insubordinate vagina. The girls are all looking at me with their mouths full of yummy pizza in silence with amused faces while I keep going on about my day and how my body was reacting to Jaxon. Normally I wouldn't be this candid but the Whisky is my liquid courage.

The girls all congratulate me for finally sticking up for myself against Olivia.

"She had it coming, that twat faced, camel toed hoe!" yells Eva.

We all laugh at Eva's Comment.

My girls think that my promotion was very warranted, knowing just how much time and effort I put into my work.

Finally, the dreaded topic of Jaxon comes up.

Dawn looks at me and says "girl, he is into you, either that or he wants a taste of your goodies". I spit out some of my drink and we all giggle.

Eva and Sofie each concur with Dawn that he is into me. The girls start telling me that I need to get laid and hit it and quit it with my hunky boss.

I would like to believe that Jaxon Hart would be interested in someone like me, but I'm not a one night stand or relationship kind of girl. So, there is no use entertaining these thoughts.

"I know he is a player and probably just sees me as another notch on his belt. A conquest if you will.. Or maybe he is just fucking with me.. I mean, why would Jaxon Fucking Hart want to even be with a girl like me, when he can have his choice of Models or Actresses. I think Jaxon likes getting a rise out me personally." I proclaim

"Plus, I am not into th.." I start to say but before I can finish my sentence. Eva yells "Why the hell not Elena!

Stop living in the past! The shit with Luke happen 3 years ago.. Your vagina is becoming mummified from lack of male attention... Damn it E... You might actually enjoy it! From what you said, your Pussy was a waterfall anytime you were around him. It sounds like you Pussy is super ready to accept his long duck dong. What if he rocks your world with his magic cock?"

Dawn replies with, "but...what if he has a tiny cock and sucks." We all start laughing.

"I say, take it day by day and do some recon to see what he's packing. Try to get a peek at what he is working with through his pants. If he has a decent sized... you know...unit... you will be able to tell through his pants." Sofie says giggling.

we all laugh and the girls nod in agreement as we devour our pizza.

"So, you guys want me to deliberately ogle my boss'sjunk, while I'm working in the office with him?? What if he catches melooking?? I would be humiliated! I am notcomfortable with that." I say slurringmy words a bit as I make my 5th or is it 6th drink. 

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