Why Me- 6

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I finish up my tasks and notice it's almost noon. No wonder I'm feeling a bit lightheaded I'm hungry, especially since I skipped breakfast this morning. I start thinking about where I want to have lunch. I decide on Eddie's down the street. Just thinking about their food makes my mouth water.

As I start logging out to leave for lunch, when Marc one of my favorite people here at Hines Enterprises walks up to my desk. Marc is one of the Top sales managers who is more like my brother than a co-worker.

"Want to go grab a bite for lunch at Eddie's" Marc asks with a smile. "We haven't been able to have lunch together in a bit. " he pouts

"It's like you read my mind! I was just about to head over there" I excitedly reply

Marc is a very handsome guy with dark hair, brown eyes, pretty fit from what I can tell. He's tall about 6'0. He and I used to be lunch buddies, until he and Olivia started dating about 3 weeks ago.

He seems to be crazy about her already, but I don't trust her in the slightest. I don't know how Marc & Mr. Hines don't see right through her sweet girl façade. Luckily for Marc the company does not have a policy on employee fraternization. Maybe there should be since I just don't feel Olivia is right for him at all. He is such a great guy with all these amazing qualities that are just wasted on Olivia. I think he and Lucy the receptionist would be a better match; she is truly a beautiful girl both inside and out.

"Olivia is eating lunch with Ester in the conference room due to all the exit reviews from some of these scheduled meetings today" Mark sadly comments.

"Mine is at 1pm and I am a little anxious of the outcome", I inform Marc. I know that he already had his at 9am this morning. Marc's was the 1st meeting of the day and by his smile that he has on full display, I can tell he is staying on. Which makes my heart so happy.

As I quickly grab my purse and start to walk around my desk to get to Marc, he starts telling me about what he and Olivia had done over the weekend. I kinda tuned him out when he said Olivia's name.. I just wanted to hurry and get some food in my belly, I am starving. When I turned to walk around my desk at full speed, of course I wasn't looking up because, I mean why would I? Right?

I wasn't looking up, I was making sure I had my wallet and cell in my bag so I can get my butt to Eddies and chow down.

I'm about to look up when I walk into a hard wall of muscle. I lose my balance, start to fall backwards this time, arms flailing about like one of those outdoor wacky inflatable arm flailing tube men thingies.... when I feel a strong pair of hands grab my waist, then pull me up as I crash into his hard chest again... The universe must hate me.... But Damn I can't help but cop a feel of his very broad chiseled chest.. What am I doing? I need to get my hands off this man's delectable body.

Jaxon is just staring at me with those sexy lips turned up into the most spectacular smile, watching me intently, knowing full well that I am feeling him up. The cocky bastard seems to enjoy that I am uncomfortable and turning a bright shade of red. But Holy Monkey Balls.. All that is going through my brain is how I want this man to take me right here right now.

"You should really pay attention to where you're going Ms. Santos", he says playfully and winks at me, the cad..

I am too stunned to say anything at first, I just stand there, looking up at him with a dumbfounded expression breathing heavily due to the close proximity of his magnificently hard body. My nipples are trying to break out of their lacey prison due to the friction of our chest colliding.

"Are you feeling okay Ms. Santos, do you need to sit for a minute, you look a little flushed". He says in a flirty cocky tone, still wearing that beautiful smile. Yeah, I would love to sit on that pretty face of yours.. Cheese and Crackers.. What is it with these pornographic thoughts when I am around this man...

"I'm fine don't I look fine I feel fine why wouldn't I be fine.." I say so fast, that even I get a little confused. I mentally face palm myself, because I sound like a babbling fool!

I finally come to my senses.. "Thank you, for saving me again Mr. Hart" I say as I smile up at him. I realize that he is still holding on to me by my waist and I am feeling warm again, my body feels like it's on fire and its radiating from my waist, where his hands happen to be gripped on to my waist like a vise. Oh dear God, does this man bring out the sexual deviant in me.

Marc is just sitting there watching this with a huge smile on his face. He finally clears his throat which brings both Jaxon and I back to the present. I push off Jaxon's chest and wiggle out of his grip that he has on my waist. I immediately miss the warmth of his body against mine. I step away from him and I look over at Marc. He is trying to hide his flow blown grin.

"Do you need anything Mr. Hart, I am about to take my lunch". I ask a bit too harshly, but I am embarrassed as I see Olivia, Ester and Mr. Hines watching us now from the conference room.

Jaxon, lifts his eyebrow, looking quite amused with my abrupt statement.

"Just make sure you're back in time for your meeting at 1pm I don't tolerate tardiness Ms. Santos". He says calmly as he starts to walk away.

"Yes, sir" I reply curtly

Marc and I walk toward the elevator and Marc starts laughing uncontrollably. " Oh my Gosh Elle, that was the funniest and most awkward thing I have seen you do yet. The look on your face was priceless". He says as he continues to laugh at my expense. I have to say his laugh is very infectious. I slap his arm.. "Jerk!" I say playfully.

I can't stop smiling, and I realize the reason I have this smile on my face that I can't get rid of is because of Jaxon. How good it felt to feel his hands on me, how my body molded to his so perfectly. These feelings are freaking me out, I didn't even feel this way with Luke.. Oh my therapist is going to be wanting to admit me into the psych ward after I tell her about all this.

I do wonder if he felt something too? What am I thinking? He doesn't do relationships, shit neither do I.... am I just wishful thinking? He wouldn't be interested in me anyway, would he?

I don't say much on our walk, since Marc was laughing most of the way down the elevator and out the building. 

Marc must have noticed that I was a bit quiet but had a goofy smile on my face. "Penny for your thoughts?" Marc asked.

"I just smiled and said just making a mental note to watch where I'm walking". I giggle 

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