Following My Heart - 57

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Elena's POV:

I wake up feeling nauseous... no puking though, so that's a plus. I can deal with the nausea as long as it all stays indoors, we are all good in the hood. I giggle out loud.

After I shower and brush and swish with Listerine, which seems to be my most favorite dental hygiene product around at the moment. I smile as I find my favorite pink Tinkerbelle hoodie and matching joggers. I throw my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs.

I catch the scent of glorious coffee halfway down the stairs which makes my soul smile. Then I frown knowing that I shouldn't be drinking coffee, at least not until I go and see the doctor. What if coffee makes the baby deformed or causes some kind of caffeine addiction. God no.... no coffee for me.. which makes me sulk the rest of the way to the kitchen.

I hear giggling in the kitchen, and when I turn the corner I see Dad tickling Moms sides from behind. I see her wriggling about trying to get away from him. Both of them laughing uncontrollably. Watching them like this warmed my heart, I couldn't help but giggle out loud.

Mom wiggles out of dads hold, but is still laughing up a storm. She goes and pours something into a cup and places it on the kitchen island. "Good Morning sweet pea, come and sit." Mom giggles out.

Still smiling I walk over to the kitchen island and park my happy yet sulky ass on the stool. Looking at the cup in front of me wishing it was coffee but whatever is inside this wonderous cup smells divine. "It smells spicey, mmmmhmmm...its ginger." I whisper sniffing and smiling at the most wondiferous smelling steam that actually doesn't make my stomach turn up its snobby nose.

"It smells delightful, is it ginger tea," I ask sweetly.

"Why yes, it is. Ginger helps with nausea, and I know you have been experiencing a little of that so I decided to make you some." Mom informs me as she reaches over and lightly rubs the right side of my cheek.

"I also had Charles go out and pick you up these this morning." She smiles over at Charles as she reaches into the Island drawer and pulls out a bag of ginger hard candies and the prenatal vitamins the doctor prescribed.

"Really, it will help with my...all day sickness?" I asked a little too excitedly as I get up and go give her and dad a big hug! "Thank you so much for doing this for me. You have no idea what this means to me.

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