Pre-Funk gone wrong- Part 46

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Yay, it's about that time to head home. I didn't realize how excited I am to spend time with my girls tonight. I do love spending time with Jaxon, don't get me wrong, but I miss my friends. I feel I have been in a Jaxon bubble since he came back from London and forgot I have friends, no, scratch that... They are more like my sisters; they are my family. I can't help but smile when I think of them and everything, they have done for me.

I need to be more cognizant about how I spend my time from now on. I can't forget about them when I am around Jaxon or any man for that matter. This type of behavior reminds me of my past and how I chose Luke over my besties. Shit, if I'm honest I chose that dillweed over everyone and everything. I scold myself as I shudder at the thought of how pathetic and weak, I used to be.

I double check Jaxon's calendar one last time and make sure that there are no early morning meetings on Monday that I missed before I leave. Nope, all good, his first meeting is at 11:00am with Miriam Evers. It's an offsite lunch appointment at Tino's, a very exclusive restaurant. Must be a really big client for Jaxon to take her there.

On my way out, I stop and say bye to Jaxon. He is too focused on what is on his computer to notice me standing right behind him. I startle him when I lean down and kiss his cheek. I giggle and tell him goodbye. I tell him I will call him when we are about to head out to the club. He nodded "Be careful and remember...'Stranger Danger'," He playfully reminds me. I roll my eyes "what's the fun in that," I retort.

I hear the music before I get to my apartment door. I see Dawn and Eva getting their pre-funk on while they dance and sing along with 'White Girl Twerk,' by DFlyDinero & StreetsBeat. The music was blaring, and the girls were dancing about and giggling like schoolgirls. They didn't hear me come in and it was so adorable; I couldn't resist taking a few pictures on my cell phone. I recorded them until they noticed me, which was only about a minute or so, but boy did I get some great footage to tease them with later. I love these girls, I just wish Sofie could be here, it's not the same without her.

The girls run over to me and bring me into a group hug! I can tell they're already buzzed. Eva, is the first one to break free from the group hug and runs to the kitchen. She comes back with a red solo cup. "Here chica, you need to catch up. I happily accept it, and down it.

It's tequila... straight tequila, and not the 'top shelf' tequila. This shit can't even be added considered 'well' I would say it is more of the, put's hair on your chest, bottom of the barrel, to-kill-ya Tequila... I choke it down, but I take it like a champ and Eva keeps the shots coming while we get ready. You know that song, tequila makes her clothes fall off by Joe Nichols... Yeah, that pretty much sums up my relationship with tequila. So, the whole time I am getting ready I am fantasizing about Jaxon and our office romp we had earlier. Its making my pussy tingle.. Shit, I need to stop or I am going to have to ask Jaxon to come over and wait for me in bed...naked... Shit... No..No.. This is a boyfriend free night, get your mind out to f the gutter for one night I scold myself.

By the time we are ready, and the Uber is in route, we are all a little tipsy. We take a few pictures on our cell phones in front of my full-length mirror in my bedroom.

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