My little Mouse

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"Elena... I wanted... I wanted... to say... ummmm...Thank you for accepting my invitation and giving me a chance to explain. I need you to know..." I grab her hand and look her in the eyes trying to read her, but tonight she has a poker face, and I just can't get a read on her. I very reluctantly carry on.

"Olivia coming over that night was not planned; Brad was supposed to come over and drop off my laptop and some files." I pause for a few seconds before continuing to assess how she is doing.

"After our... phone call I started drinking and was pretty drunk when the doorbell rang. When I opened the door Olivia was there with my laptop and files." I sigh and run my hand through my hair, tugging it roughly back.

Fuck she looks like I just broke her heart all over again, I hate I did this to us.

I let out another sigh and continue. "I..I allowed her to come in while I ran upstairs to set my computer and files in the office. I never asked her to come upstairs, I swear to you. When I turned around to go back downstairs and tell her thank you and let her out... But... she was already in the office and walking over toward the window. I thought she just wanted to look at the view, so I sat down to plug in my laptop and get it set up to give her some time to check out the view. I was about to ask her to leave when she was right next to me, watching me set up my computer. She startled me and when I looked up at her face, she leaped on me like a crazy flying squirrel."

"But, I didn't stop her from kissing me... And I regret that more than you will ever know... When you walked in, I realized what I was doing and was about to push her away... I swear nothing else happened and nothing ever will. I threw her out on her ass when you ran out. All I could think about was finding you but when I went around the neighboring streets and couldn't find you, I decided to head to your house... But my plans were throttled when I got pulled over and was detained for a DUI."

I still can't get a read on her, I see her tear up then her face is lacking any emotion, which is not my Elle.

"Baby, I never drink and drive, but I was so scared I would never see you again." I feel myself getting teary eyed. No... This is not me. I don't Fucking cry! I hope she doesn't hate me or think I'm a big ass man baby, but I promised I would be honest.

"I love you, Elena." The words just burst out of me. I had to tell her how I felt. I'm starting to have a panic attack thinking I am going to lose this girl.

I see her mouth drop. I know this is the first time I have said I love you. But I also know she is not ready to say it back yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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