Chpt.3 enemies to lovers

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After the long and exhausting battle between the avengers and Loki everyone wanted nothing more than sleep.

Well everyone except for Natasha. In her kids are still playing the imagines from her interrogation with Loki. She couldn't get her mind off of him. She remembered how his attitude changed a few times and she saw behind his mask. What she saw was someone who desperately tried to live up to expectations that he could never fulfill.

Three hours later she was still awake, tossing and turning in her sheets. The way he looked at her when she showed some real emotion was simply too much for her.
So she got up and decided to got ti him and confront him with her thoughts.

Natasha Romanoff paced the dimly lit corridor outside Loki's cell, her thoughts as tumultuous as the god of mischief himself. She had been tasked with interrogating him, a task she had approached with a mix of caution and curiosity. And ever since that she couldn't stop thinking about him.

Lok, the god of mischief, had been imprisoned in the Avengers' high-security facility for only a day now, ever since his failed invasion of Earth. He was a prisoner of his own making, and Natasha had been chosen to try and extract information from him.

The cell door slid open with a hiss, and Natasha entered, her senses on high alert. Loki was seated on the cold metal bench, his eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression.

"My my, if that's not the famous lady Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow " he said with a fake smile, "I must say, I never expected to see your lovely face in such a dreary place."

She ignored his attempts at charm and took a seat on the opposite of the glass that separates them. "Cut the flattery, Loki. We're here to talk."

Loki leaned back, his eyes never leaving her. "Very well, Black Widow. What is it you wish to discuss?"

Natasha regarded him coolly before plunging into the heart of the matter. "Power, Loki. It seems to be your obsession. But power can be fleeting, as you've learned."

Loki's eyes darkened briefly, a flicker of emotion passing across his face. "Power is everything, Natasha. It's the only thing that truly matters in this world."

She leaned in closer, her gaze unwavering. "And yet, it's what led you to betray your own brother, your own people."

Loki's expression hardened. "He is not my BROTHER. Thor was always the favored one. The golden son. I wanted what was rightfully mine."

Natasha could sense the pain behind his words, the deep-seated resentment that had fueled his actions. She softened her tone. "But at what cost, Loki? You nearly destroyed an entire city. You hurt people. You hurt Thor."

For a moment, Loki's mask slipped, and she saw something in his eyes, a vulnerability he rarely allowed anyone to glimpse. "Thor... I didn't want to hurt him. I just wanted him to see me, to acknowledge my worth."

Natasha sighed, realizing that beneath Loki's arrogance and cruelty, there was a wounded soul craving validation. "Loki, power can be a lonely path. It isolates you from the ones who care about you."

Loki's gaze dropped, and he seemed lost in thought. "Perhaps you're right," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

As Natasha continued to talk to Loki, she found herself drawn to him in a way she hadn't expected. There was something captivating about his complexity, his vulnerability hidden beneath layers of deception. She couldn't deny the pull she felt, a connection that went beyond the roles they played as hero and villain.

Hours passed as they talked, sharing stories of their pasts, their regrets, and their desires. In the confines of that cell, their walls began to crumble, and Natasha saw glimpses of the real Loki, a tormented soul seeking redemption.

As the conversation turned more personal, their eyes locked, and Natasha felt a warmth spreading through her that had nothing to do with the cell's temperature. She realized, with a jolt, that she was developing feelings for the god of mischief, a man she had once considered her enemy.

Loki, too, seemed to be affected by their interaction, his gaze lingering on her in a way that was undeniably intimate.

She didn't really know what lead her to her decision, but she opened the door of his cell. She slowly went in and took her time, step after step. When she was right in front of him, she stopped. She looked him deep into his eyes. Now she realizes how bright and green his eyes are. It was like a you take a long and relaxing walk through a deep forest. She took a deep breath in and let his scent intoxicate her. He smelled like the forest and the old trees that are growing there. But at the same time he smelled like a crisp winter, the one time of the year where she had felt truly happy.

Loki seems to be just as surprised as Nat was. She gently took his hand, lead him out of his cell and up to her room.

A gift from heaven (Loki x Natasha x daughter!reader)Where stories live. Discover now