Chpt.9 Mischief is growing

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A week later I woke up with the strange desire to cause some trouble. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom. A few weeks back uncle Tony upgraded my room to a suit. He said that it was more fitting for a 'big girl'. So I got of course a bigger bed, a huge book shelf that is already overflowing with books and a new cozy armchair that is hanging down from the ceiling.

 So I got of course a bigger bed, a huge book shelf that is already overflowing with books and a new cozy armchair that is hanging down from the ceiling

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Arriving in the bathroom I looked at my reflection in the mirror I saw that my hair was finally long enough for me to put it in braids. My mom showed me how to do that so I thought that it was time to finally do it on my own.

After many failed attempts I finally was pleased with the outcome

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After many failed attempts I finally was pleased with the outcome. I smiled proudly and went back to my room.

On my bed I started to make a plan for trouble. I thought for a few minutes when the perfect idea came into my mind. I had pretty new and creative idea for some fun in Avengers Tower. I was fascinated by the colorful world of art, and my next target will be the Avengers' suits. I knew that altering their daily equipment was a surefire way to get everyone's attention.

When I was thrilled with the final idea, I quickly tiptoed through the tower's expansive living space, clutching a set of non-permanent, washable markers. My tiny heart raced with excitement as I slowly approached the Avengers' lounge, where their suits were neatly stored.

The Hulk's massive green pants, Iron Man's sleek armor and Captain America's shield were all on display. With a mischievous giggle, I got to work.

I quickly grabbed a marker and started drawing colorful, whimsical designs on each suit, turning them into vibrant works of art. The Hulk's pants got featured with rainbows and smiley faces, while Iron Man's armor was adorned with sparkling white and yellow stars and swirls, Captain America's shield was transformed into a cosmic masterpiece.

As I worked my magic, I couldn't help but wonder what the reactions of the Avengers would be. But little did I already knew that I was about to bring a whole lot of chaos and laughter to their day.

When I was done I hid myself in the large air vents above the living room of the Avengers' headquarters. My plan was to give the team a harmless scare, but now I found myself wedged in a tight spot, trying to suppress my laughter as her unsuspecting target, Clint Barton, my uncle, entered the room.

I softly rattled the metal grating of the vent to get Clint's attention. The sudden noise startled him, and he looked around the room, puzzled.

I couldn't hold back a giggle, which was muffled by my sweaty hand. I could see uncle Clint's eyes narrow as he searched for the source of the noise. Then, a mischievous glint entered his eyes.

I continued to make small, playful noises. I didn't expect him to figure out that I was up in the vent so quickly, but I underestimated the keen senses of an Avenger.

Clint's gaze settled on the vent above him. He slowly got up, his brow furrowed. I knew that I was in trouble, but my heart was racing with excitement as he reached for a nearby chair and positioned it below the vent I was sitting in.

I watched him as he climbed up and, with a smirk on his face, removing the vent cover. When he saw me crammed into the dusty metal shaft, I tried to look as innocent as possible.

Uncle Clint bursts out into laughter. "Well, well, what do we have here, a prankster in the vents?"

My cheeks reddened as I tried to wriggle my way out but I was stuck tight. "Um, hi uncle Clint." I waved shyly. "Well, this is awkward."

Only a few moments later, the Avengers began to trickle into the lounge, completely unaware of my creative exploits. They were met with a sight that left them speechless. Their iconic suits, symbols of their heroism, had been transformed into a riot of colors and patterns.

Uncle Tony was the first to react. He burst out laughing as he saw his technologically advanced suit now adorned with what looked like a cosmic disco party. "Well, this is a colorful upgrade!" he quipped.

Uncle Steve, aka Captain Stars and Stripes as I like to call him, raised an eyebrow at his rainbow-colored shield. "I guess it's time to embrace change," he mused, his lips twitching into a smile.

Even my shy uncle Bruce, aka her Hulk, typically a force of destruction, seemed amused by the cheerful designs on his pants.

I didn't pranked my mom because I didn't wanted to get in her bad side. When uncle Clint asked me, a bit nervous, if I had planned something for her, he was relieved to hear that I did not. He told me that he once get on her bad side and her never will do that again.

Clint and I were still inside the air vents, our shoulders shaking with laughter as we watched our fellow family members laughing at their suit, still trying to figure out who it was, who had changed their equipment.

The prank was hilarious, but there was a sense of camaraderie among the team, knowing they were all in on the joke.

Natasha Romanoff, known as Black Widow and my mom, was perceptive, to say the least. She must of overheard the muffled laughter echoing through the ventilation system.

With a raised eyebrow, my mom stood up, her lithe form moving silently towards the vent from which the laughter emanated. She climbed onto a nearby chair, removed the vent cover, and peered inside.

Uncle Clint and I froze in shock when our eyes met my mom's, who seams to be far from amused. "Elinor, Clint, what on Earth are you two doing up there?"

I felt a mix of embarrassment and guilt washing over me. "Uh, we were just having some fun mommy. It was a harmless prank, I swear." I pleaded at her, scared that she might yell at us.

Clint nodded frantically in agreement, hoping that mom wouldn't be too upset. But the look on her face told us she was less than convinced.

So instead of yelling at us, she sighed and held out her hand to help us out of the vent. We stood unsure and a bit nervous before her, guiltily avoiding eye contact with her.

As the Avengers took in the unexpected makeover, my mom revealed Clint and I while I was still clutching my markers. "I thought you all could use a little more color in your lives!" I declared with an impish grin, trying to ease the situation.

Luckily for me they weren't mad at me. They just laughed at it.
"My, my little. It seams like we got quite a mischievous little girl running around" uncle Tony laughed.  I just grinned at that comment.

When I looked at my mom she seams to be deep in thoughts so I let her be.

The rest of the day I had to help each of them cleaning up the mess that I made, but for me it was definitely worth it.

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