Chpt.10 the red room battle

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Elinor's POV

The next morning, I woke up with a burst of energy, the first rays of sunlight gently filtering through her bedroom window.

Yesterday I had to clean up and erase my art from my family member's suits and equipment. I worked until the late evening and at some point I must have fallen asleep.  The last thing I know was, that I cleaned uncle Tony's Ironman suit. So apparently someone must have carried me into my room and tugged me in.

I jumped out of my bed because I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. Due to the fact that it was so early in the morning, almost 7am, and I know that it was the perfect time to watch my mom in action.

I admire her so much, she is my role model, her strength and grace. That's why I often watched her in awe when she trains in our private gym.

With a yawn and a stretch, I hopped out of bed, changed why outfit into something comfy and tiptoed past my sleeping uncle's room, Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America.

I made my way to the gym, where I found my mother already in the midst of her exhausting looking training routine.

Mom's movements were fluid and precise, a ballet of combat. She leaped, spun, and executed acrobatic moves with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. I sat down on a bench in the dark corner of the room, my wide eyes never leaving my mother's every move.

As she practiced, she must have somehow felt a pair of little eyes on her. With a sly smile, she completed her routine and approached me. "You're up early, Ellie," mom said, tousling my red hair affectionately.

I beamed. "I wanted to watch you train, Mom. You're amazing!"

She looked at me proudly and smiled"Thank you, sweetheart. It's important to stay in top shape when you're an Avenger."

I nodded in agreement, my admiration unwavering. "I want to be just like you when I grow up."

Mommy knelt down and hugged me tightly. "You're already amazing, Elinor, just the way you are. But if you want to I could teach you some more moves when you're older"

Later that morning, I decided to spread my infectious cheerful mood throughout the Avengers Tower.

Armed with a portable speaker and my favorite playlist, I began my mission of waking up the other Avengers. I danced my way up to each bedroom, playing music that varied from classic rock to pop hits, singing along at the top of my lungs.

In front of uncle Tony' room, my enthusiastic rendition of "Livin' on a Prayer" roused the billionaire from his slumber, and he joined her in a spirited dance.

My mom and uncle Steve emerged from their rooms, groggy but smiling, as my energy was impossible to resist.

Uncle Clint, also known as Hawkeye, was not as pleased with the early wake-up call, but even he couldn't help but grin at my infectious enthusiasm.

My morning melody tour continued throughout the tower, and by the time I was done, the Avengers were all wide awake, laughing and dancing together. Even uncle Bruce, who was usually grumpy in the mornings, couldn't resist my charm.

Somewhere in Russia
In the depths of a classified Russian facility known as the Red Room, where secrets were cultivated and deadly operatives were trained, a piece of critical information had come to light. Natasha Romanoff, the elusive Black Widow, had a daughter named Elinor. This revelation sent shockwaves through the organization, as it presented a unique opportunity to mold a new generation of assassins.

A team of highly trained Red Room operatives, led by the formidable and enigmatic Anton Volkov, was dispatched with the mission of infiltrating the Avengers Tower and kidnapping Elinor. They believed that her connection to Natasha would make her a valuable asset, capable of getting close to their elusive target. Their plan was meticulously crafted, designed to be executed with precision.

Back in New York
No ones POV
The operatives approached the towering structure that was the Avengers Tower. The security systems were formidable, but the Red Room was well-prepared. They had a few tricks up their sleeves, including advanced technology that allowed them to temporarily disable surveillance cameras and security alarms.

As they made their way through the building, the operatives were eerily silent, their movements precise and calculated. They knew they had to avoid waking the Avengers and alerting them to their presence. Elinor's room was their target, and they were determined to reach it without being detected.

Inside Elinor's room, she slept peacefully, unaware of the impending danger that was right in front of her. The Red Room operatives silently entered her room and inspected it to make out any signs of traps.

Just as they were about to make their move, a voice echoed through the darkened room. "Stop right there."

In the doorway stood Natasha Romanoff, clad in her Black Widow attire, her eyes cold and determined. She had sensed the intrusion and was ready to protect her daughter at all costs.

A tense standoff ensued as Natasha faced off against the Red Room operatives. She was outnumbered, but her years of training and her motherly instincts gave her an edge. The room seemed to shrink as the confrontation unfolded, the fate of Elinor hanging in the balance.

The tension in Elinor's room was palpable as Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, confronted the Red Room operatives who had infiltrated the Avengers Tower with the intent to kidnap her daughter. The operatives, skilled and ruthless, had trained for situations like this, but they had never faced an opponent as determined and formidable as Natasha.

In a lightning-fast exchange of blows and acrobatics, Natasha engaged the operatives, her movements a blur of grace and lethal precision. She incapacitated several of them with quick strikes and disarmament techniques, while others struggled to contain her. The room turned into a battleground, with furniture and debris sent flying as the battle raged on.

Elinor, awakened by the commotion, watched in fear and awe as her mother fought valiantly to protect her. Natasha's voice was firm, her eyes unwavering as she ordered her daughter to stay back and out of harm's way.

Anton Volkov, the leader of the Red Room operatives, finally stepped forward, a calculating glint in his eyes. He knew that capturing Elinor was the key to their plan, and he couldn't allow Natasha to ruin their mission. With a determined focus, he engaged Natasha in combat.

Their duel was fierce, a testament to their formidable skills. Volkov's training in the Red Room had honed him into a relentless adversary. But Natasha's resolve was unbreakable. She matched every strike, every move, with equal ferocity, her love for her daughter serving as an unyielding source of strength.

Despite her incredible efforts, Natasha found herself momentarily distracted by the need to protect Elinor, and that was all Volkov needed. In a swift, unexpected move, he disarmed Natasha and managed to subdue her. The other operatives, recovering from their initial onslaught, seized the opportunity.

With a final, desperate cry, Elinor attempted to intervene, but she was quickly overpowered and captured. The Red Room operatives restrained her, leaving Natasha defeated and heartbroken.

As they made their escape with Elinor, Natasha, her eyes filled with a mix of fury and sorrow, knew that she had failed to protect her daughter. The Red Room had achieved its sinister objective, and now Elinor was in their clutches, setting the stage for a new chapter of danger and intrigue.

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