Chpt.30 the end?

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„The red room is back" I whispered scared to my mom. "I know. But I'm not letting them take you again!" she whispered back, looking white as a ghost. "Ca-can you stand up?" she asks concerned. Despite the dizziness and the shooting pain in my head, I nodded my head bravely and got up.

I ran over to my father and hugged him tightly. "Thank you dad for saving my mom and I" I cried. "You're welcome" he lowered his voice into the most dangerous tone I've ever heard and growled "anyone who come near my family to cause them harm will suffer the consequences"

"It's the red room, they are BACK" uncle Steve yelled while fighting off three armed agents. "I know and I'm not letting them taking our daughter again" my mom screamed back. We all teamed up in the middle of the room because they are trying to separate us. But we are stronger when we all fight together as a family.  

Loki and Natasha, my parents, fought side by side, seamlessly blending their distinct combat styles. Father's magic intertwining with mom's precision created a formidable force.

The Red Room agents, all dressed up in ominous black uniforms with red highlights, closed in from all sides. The clashing sounds of metal and the sharp cracks of gunfire created a symphony of destruction. My mom, with her crimson hair whipping through the air, dispatched adversaries with a blend of martial arts and unmatched marksmanship. Father's magic surged, illusions and reality blurring as he effortlessly incapacitated agents left and right. Together, they moved as if choreographed, a deadly dance born from years of shared experiences.

Suddenly I was surrounded by six agents and my agility and combat skills were pushed to their limits. The thick air crackled with the clash of metal against metal, and the staccato rhythm of gunfire echoed through the chaos. Each strike I unleashed against the agents were filled with skill and the desperation to fight for my dear life.

I was  caught in my own intense struggle, fighting against six of the Red Room well trained agents. Despite the pain I got from a cracked rib and wounds on my arm and head my muscle memory kicked in. Each strike was a testament to off my extensive training under the watchful eyes of the red room ages ago and the skills I got from my parents.

In a cruel twist, a momentary distraction allowed an unnoticed Red Room agent to approach me. A sharp pain spread through my body as he swiftly drove  a knife into me. The pain was almost unbearable and my vision blurred together and I thought that I was about to collapse. But with a sudden surge of adrenaline I tried my best to fight back. I was stumbling around and trying my best not to fall on the ground. Despite the injury, I summoned every last ounce of strength I had left to fight him off.

My father must've sensed my distress. His eyes were a mix of parental concern and smoking rage, locked onto mine. A parental instinct took over, and his protective magic enveloped me, shielding her from further harm and send the agent flying against the next wall.

But there was no time for recovery. I was already caught agin in the midst of this chaos. I fought desperately for my life. When I looked around the room to see if my mother was fine I got distracted. In that moment, a Red Room agent seized an opportunity. The glint of a knife emerged from the shadows, catching me off guard. Pain erupted as the blade found its mark, cutting through fabric and flesh. The  again the world spun momentarily.

A moment later all the agents are flying through mid air surrounded by green mist. They smashed into the concrete walls of the tower. "It's over" someone said. By now I couldn't make out the voice. I collapsed and the world went dark.

I woke up to my mother and father shaking me awake. I felt blood pouring out off my body and onto the floor. My limbs started to go numb I groaned in pain when I opened my eyes "it hurts". "I know Elli but you need to stay awake. I just got you and I don't wan t to loose you so please fight, fight for me" my father pleaded with tears in his eyes.  A single tear rolled down my cheek " I'm sorry I can't.. it... is... so hard.... I...I'm... happy... that you are my" I breathed out

A gift from heaven (Loki x Natasha x daughter!reader)Where stories live. Discover now