1 | Part-Time Job

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The art is done by dhampirbunny_ on Instagram and it inspired me to write this. They came up with their own 2000s AU and it's really awesome. In this story, they'll have the same designs and it's also set in the 2000s, but not the same backstory/ character traits that the artist came up with.

"Soul bro, do you wanna hang out after school today?" Souda asked.

"Nah, I can't. Today's the first day at my part-time job,"

"What kinda job?"

"I'll be helping out in one of the stores in the shopping center,"

"I hope it's a cool store so you can steal stuff for me,"

"I won't steal. It's some kinda fancy clothing store called Angel's,"

Souda thought for a moment. "Huh... I think Komaeda shops there like all the time,"

Hinata's eyes widened. "What?? Why??"

"A lot of his clothes are from there and I've seen him in that store several times,"

"Nonono!! He hates me, dude! I don't want him going there while I'm working!"

"Hates you?"

"Yeah. He's always laughing at me whenever we talk and he runs away from me all the time, like he doesn't even wanna be around me. And when we were supposed to pair up for science class, he asked me to pair up and he was all nervous about it. It was so obvious he did it to laugh at me 'cause he knows science is my worst subject,"

"Damn, I kinda... interpretated that as something else, but... you do you,"

"Dude, he's gonna literally murder me! You know he loves clothes. If he sees that I'm in the place he gets his clothes from, he'll see it as a personal attack and like I'm trying to take it away from him!"

"I bet it won't even be that bad,"

The door to the cafeteria opened and Komaeda walked into the room. Hinata sighed. The pale boy waved at the brunet after he noticed him, giggling.

"There! Do you see this shit, bro? He's laughing at me!"

"Not sure if I'd say that's laughing at you, but what do I know?"


After school, Hinata made his way over to the shopping center. He walked into the store and was handed a clip with his name and a shirt with the logo of the store on it so customers knew he worked there.

"We don't need anyone else at the cash register right now, so you can go into the back and put the stuff that's inside the new shippings into the shelves, okay?" His coworker said.


"Oh, and do me a favor and don't say 'yo' to our customers, okay?"

"Roger that,"

She let out a nervous chuckle. "That's not much better. Whatever! I'll go now."

"Alright." Hinata went into the back and carried a bunch of boxes to the shelves and began putting the clothes in them.

Two people walked into the store. It was a man who was in his mid 40s and a teenage boy. A very familiar one.

"Angel, the designs you wanted are in store since today. Hm, where are they though?" The older man looked around.

Komaeda did so too and noticed Hinata. He smiled. "Haiiii, Hinata-kun!"

(Haiiii :3 💀💀)

The brunet sighed and then forced a smile. This was a customer, after all. "Hey, Komaeda,"

"I had no idea you worked here. That's so cool!" He said as he walked towards him. "Oh, these are the new designs that dad let me pick out!" He pointed at the boxes.

"What do you mean?"

"Dad came up with some designs and let me pick the ones I liked best to be put in stores first,"

"Does your dad work for this brand?"

"He came up with it,"

"Huh?? He's the owner of this store?"

"He's the owner of all the stores all over the world," Komaeda corrected. "Isn't he the best?"

"That's sick. I had no idea,"

"I know, right? It's so cool!"

His father walked towards the two boys. "Is this your friend, Angel?"

"Hinata-kun is my classmate,"

"Oh, this is the Hinata you always mention?"

"Dad!" Komaeda yelped, blushing.

"I'm Komaeda Kenta. It's nice to meet you." He shook Hinata's hand. "I've heard a lot about you,"

Hinata chuckled nervously. "I hope only good things, ahaha!"

Komaeda's father laughed.

"Dad, stop embarassing me!" Komaeda scolded.

"Sorry, sorry,"

Hinata felt like screaming. Komaeda had talked shit about him to his dad, huh?

I just wanna say real quick that I was born in the mid/late 2000s, so I grew up in the 2010s, not the 2000s. If I make any mistakes concerning the time period, feel free to correct me. And if I ever mention them having phones, I'm talking about flip phones unless I'm mentioned a specific model or something like that.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now