23 | Hanging Out

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"I suppose I should throw these away, huh?" Kamukura said, getting up and walking towards his shelf that was filled with the miniature boats he had made.

"They're very good quality. You could sell them. But... could I maybe keep one?"

"Sure. Which one do you want?"

"I don't know. You choose one to give to me,"

Kamukura looked at them, carefully thinking about which one fit Komaeda best. He picked one of them up. "This was the first one I made. It was something new and it was fun. Telling you boat facts was fun too. So here. Take this one." He handed it to Komaeda.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Uhm... But if you didn't really like boats... did you not like my bunny facts either?" He asked, worried.

"Bunnies are very quiet pets, but they actually can make sounds. They will make a little oinking or honking sound when they are happy or excited. They will also growl or grunt if they are upset or trying to scare someone away.  The loudest sound a bunny makes is when they thump their strong hind legs against the ground. This thumping sound is a sign that the bunny is scared, or it’s your bunny letting you know they disapprove of something you are doing. Bunnies are also capable of screaming, but they usually don’t unless they are in a lot of pain or are extremely scared and believe they are going to die," Kamukura repeated the exact words Komaeda had said to him at the party.

"Oh, you remembered!"

"Of course I did. You are my friend. Correct?"

"Correct." He looked at the miniature boat. It was black with a few white details.

The door to Kamukura's room opened. "Izuru! Lunch is ready. Mom said Komaeda can eat with us,"

"Hajime, you were right,"

"'Course I was. About what?"

"That I do not like boats,"

"Oh... really?" He looked at the boat in Komaeda's hands. "And there I thought you finally found something you like..." he sighed.

"I have." He looked at the pale boy. "Perhaps pretending to like boats was just part of the journey across the ocean of life that lead me to find what I wanted,"

"And what's that?" Hinata asked.

"A friend,"

The brunet chuckled and wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulder, leading him out of the room. "Haha! You're so corny sometimes, I love you,"


In the evening, the three boys laid in the grass, looking up at the sky. Daitan ran into the garden and licked Hinata's face. The brunet sat up and began running his hands through the dog's fur.

"You're such a good boy, aren't you?" He asked, grinning. Komaeda rolled over a few times until he laid with his head next to Daitan's body. Hinata looked at him. The moon was shining on his face and hair, making him look like he was glowing. He turned red. He was so done with this! He didn't like guys!

"Hinata-kun, are you cold too?"

"I'm fine. Are you cold?"

"A bit,"

Hinata took off his jacket and put it on top of Komaeda, making him blush. Maybe... just maybe... Hinata thought... No. No way.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now