2 | Project

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Art by dhampirbunny on Instagram

Komaeda's father was holding five bags once Komaeda's "small" shopping tour was over.

"That makes 47.567¥, please," The cashier said.

His father paid and they walked towards the exit. Komaeda waved at Hinata as they left.

"Bye now, Hinata-kun!" He called out, smiling.

"Yeah..." Hinata continued stocking the shelves.


"So, how was your first day?"

"It was okay. Until Komaeda came. I have no idea why he hates me so much,"

"I really don't think he does," Souda said.

"He laughed at me again. The whole time. He hates me, I know it. He doesn't even try to hide it!"

"Uhmm, Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked, approaching their table. He was wearing a shirt he had bought yesterday. It was pink and covered in glitter.


"I just-" His cheeks heated up. "-wanted to say good luck at your new job..."

Hinata furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay."

"I'm sorry, this was stupid! I'll leave you alone now!" He hurried to get away from them.

"See? He constantly runs away from me. And what the hell was that? He was acting all nervous, I bet someone forced him to say that and he got uncomfortable about having to be nice to me,"

"Dude, I think he's just shy,"

"Komaeda is not shy. He talks to anyone and everyone. He loves meeting new people, but he still hates me! Why?"

"And I thought I was dense..."

"Huh? How am I dense? I'm literally the only one who realizes how much he hates me. You're the dense one if you don't see it,"

Souda shook his head in dissapointment. "I gotta go. Kuzuryuu and I gotta finish our science project. And you should too,"

"Ugh..." Souda was right. And Hinata hated that, because it meant he had to talk to Komaeda about it. Both boys left the table and made their way over to their partners.

Hinata found Komaeda sitting on the rooftop, fixing his makeup.


"Oh, Hinata-kun! Hi!" He closed his pocket mirror and looked at the brunet.

"We gotta finish our science project, you know?"

"Oh! I already did,"

"Did what?"

"Finish it,"

"Huh?" Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"I... I thought since we've been getting so much homework lately, you wouldn't want to also worry about the project, so I decided to finish it to take that weight off your shoulders,"

"Mhm." Hinata stared at him.

"Uhm... I put a lot of effort and research into it. You don't need to worry about it being sloppy. Oh, I even animated the PowerPoint slides!" He said, proud of himself.

"Okay, that's good. Then I'll leave you alone now,"

"Oh... okay." Komaeda smiled sadly as Hinata walked away.

The brunet closed the door to the rooftop behind him and then ran downstairs. He almost sprinted through the halls, trying to find Souda.

"No running in the halls!" A boy from another class yelled.

Hinata ignored him and kept running until he found his best friend. When he did, he grabbed his shoulders. "He finished the entire project alone so he wouldn't have to spend time working on it with me! I'm telling you, he hates me to death!"

"What the hell?" Kuzuryuu asked.

"Hinata's got this weird feeling that Komaeda hates him,"

The blonde boy laughed. "Hate you? Are you being serious?"

"Yes! Why does no one get it??"

"I'll let you stay in your fantasy world... But Souda and I gotta finish this so can you make like a tree and piss off?"

"Fine... I guess no one will ever understand me..." Hinata left, feeling down. Just then, Komaeda walked through the halls.

"Ah, Hinata-kun!" He said, approaching him.

"What?" Hinata shot him a glare.

"Uhm, I wanted to ask if... uhm..." he got more and more nervous as Hinata kept staring at him like he wanted to eat him alive. "I was going to ask you... ah... you know what? Never mind,"

"Tell me what you were gonna ask,"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to see the presentation I made,"

"Why would I?"

"I just... well, you seemed a little angry that I did the project on my own, so I thought we could look at the presentation together and you could fix things you don't like,"

"I don't really care,"

"Oh... uhm, okay!" He forced a smile. "You have your notes for the project though, right?"

"Of course I do. Are you calling me lazy?"

"Nonono! Of course not!"

"Just so you know, I have a part time job,"

"I know that! I think you're very admirable and hard-working, Hinata-kun!" He promised.

"Whatever..." Hinata walked past him, annoyed.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now