11 | Ingredients

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"Ah! I found the first ingredient!" Komaeda said. Hinata was walking behind him, ready to fight anyone who might try to lay a hand on Komaeda. Or to grab him and run away with him.


"Haaaaya!!" Pekoyama shouted as she whacked one of the men on the side or his neck. "He's not going to be a problem anymore. At least for a few minutes," she told Kuzuryuu.

"Good job, Peko." He grinned.


"K-Kyaaaaaa!!!" Tsumiki cried.

"Run!!" Souda screamed.

"Y-you're supposed to have my back!" She told him.

He took a deep breath. "You're right. Why do I work out if not to protect ladies?" He asked himself and punched the man who was following him. For a second, he stopped running, but then he sprinted after Tsumiki again.

"RUNNN!!!!" Souda screamed, louder this time. The man touched her shoulder and Souda hurried to get to her.

"I-I'm sorry!!" She sobbed. "Forgive me!"

"Hey, I think we did a pretty good job. And we got a few ingredients." He helped her up and they left the forest. In truth, he wanted to punch a tree, but he wanted to seem cool in front of her.


"I learned this in my swordfighting class!" Sonia announced. The man who caught Tsumiki was now after her and Nanami. She jumped up so she was hovering over the man. Then, she grabbed his head and slammed it down into the mud.

"That's not swordfighting, I think. But it's still really cool!" Nanami said.


"Hinata-kun, that's the second to last ingredient!" Komaeda called out and grabbed it to put it into his bag.

"Shit!" Hinata noticed a man approaching them. Without thinking, he punched him in the face.

"Good job, kid. That stings,"

"It does?" Hinata grinned. This guy had huge shoulders, arms and legs. He was definetly ripped under that uniform. So if he called Hinata strong, it had to be true. Hinata punched him again.

"Alright, that's enough of that." The man grabbed his hands and threw him over his shoulder.

"Shit! Komaeda, run!" But Komaeda was long gone. He had done the smart thing and started looking for the last ingredient while these two were fighting. The man was just about to run after the white-haired boy, but Hinata grabbed his ankle, making him fall down.

"Hinata-kun!!!" He heard Komaeda yell, getting closer and closer. "Run run run!! I have the last ingredient!" The man and Hinata got up at the same time, both running towards Komaeda. Hinata grabbed him and ran away, carrying the pale boy. Komaeda was... slow. He wasn't good at sports and he wasn't a fast runner. So Hinata stepped in. He sprinted out of the forest.

"You guys won!" Yukizome told them. "You're the first ones to get all the ingredients and leave the forest,"

Hinata gently put Komaeda down. "We did it!" He said.

"Yay!" Komaeda said happily. "I'll cook, okay? I love cooking and I think you need a break and a change of clothes, you're... muddy,"

Hinata chuckled. "Yeah. But did you see that guy?? He was totally jacked! I gotta start working out more so I can look like him!"

Komaeda wouldn't complain about that. He thought it was super cool that Hinata could pick him up. Ah, what was he thinking? That was weird.

"Anyway, I'll go change my clothes now,"

"Mhm! I'll be in the kitchen!"


Komaeda began cooking. He needed this to be perfect. He wanted Hinata to eat it and say "Damn, good job, Komaeda! You could be some kinda professional chef or a househusband." He wanted to show off the few skills he had.

Once he was done, he placed the two plates on a table and Hinata sat down.

"You're done already?"

"Mhm. I hope you like it... I tried my best,"

"That smells good, Komaeda-kun." Hanamura said, walking past him. "If you ever want to join a restaurant, you know who to call!" He winked, smirking.

"No thanks!" He smiled.

Hinata took a bite of the food. He smiled. "Damn, good job, Komaeda! You could be some kinda professional chef or a househusband."

Komaeda blushed. "Thank you!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now