27 | Boyfriends

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Komaeda let go of the hug. "But anyway... you don't want to be my boyfriend, then?"

"No, sorry,"

"Why not?"

"I don't want people to start calling me slurs and shit,"

"That's understandable..."

"Sorry again. But we can kiss in secret if you want to,"

"No... I don't want to kiss someone who isn't my boyfriend,"

"So we'll just go back to being friends?"

Komaeda pulled his knees to his chest again. Yumi jumped onto the bed and rubbed her head against him.

"You okay?"



"I-I liked you for so long and you fi-finally like me back now, but you don't even want to be with me..."

"Are you... crying?"

"That's not the point!"

"Do you not want to be my friend anymore?" Hinata asked.

"N-no, I... it would be awkward, b-but I wanna spend time with you st-still, I... I want my dad to be here," he said as he cried.

"Should I go get him?"


Hinata rushed downstairs where Mr. Komaeda was. "Uh, Komaeda's crying,"

He practically sprinted upstairs and went into his son's room. "Angel! What's wrong? What happened?" He held Komaeda.

"I'm sad..."

"Yes, but why? Did... did Hinata-san do something?"

"N-nothing he wasn't allowed to do..."

The brunet walked into the room.

"H-he rejected me..."

"Oh, Angel..." he sighed and rubbed his back. "The first heartbreak is always the worst." He looked at Hinata, who seemed worried. "I'm not mad at you. You're allowed to not like him back, of course,"

"I do! I just... don't want people hating me 'cause I'm dating a boy. Like, I want to, but I can't and won't,"

The older man nodded. "I see. I wish I had a solution to offer..." he looked at his son, who was still crying a lot and furrowed his eyebrows. No one should make his son feel this way. Nothing should make his son feel this way. "The world would be a much better place if we just had more love and less hate,"

"Komaeda, man, I'm sorry," Hinata said. "But like, I can't do anything about it. People aren't gonna stop being assholes just 'cause I want them to,"

"Y-you don't have to apologize..."

"Can't you date in secret or something?" Komaeda's father asked.

"I don't wanna risk anything... Like, what if someone sees us kissing and tells everyone?"

"How about... you just date while you're in this house or in your house, Hinata-san? Are your parents accepting?"

"My dad is and I don't think my mom's homophobic either,"

"So, how about it?"

Komaeda looked up at Hinata. The brunet shrugged. "I guess we could try it. What do you think?" He asked the pale boy.

"I-I think I'd like that." He whiped his tears.

Hinata smiled as his face turned red due to him preparing to say his next words. "Cool. Then I guess we're dating, babe,"

Komaeda's cheeks turned bright pink. "Babe?!"

"Yeah. We're boyfriends now, right?"

Komaeda's father got up. "I'll leave you two alone now." He pat Komaeda's head and left.

Hinata sat down next to Komaeda.

"Can I kiss you again?"

"Of course!" Komaeda said. Hinata pushed him backwards a bit again, so he was leaning against the pillow.

"Hinata-kun!" Komaeda yelped.

"Shh, be quiet or your dad's gonna hear you,"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now