25 | Halloween

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"Hinata-kun, do you like my costume?" Komaeda asked him.

"I do. It's so cute- I mean pretty- I mean beautiful- I mean cool,"

"You really think so?"


"Nagi-channnn!" Mioda called out. "Akane-chan ate all the snacks already!"

"H-huh?? All of them??"

"Yes! Ibuki wanted some!"

"I'll go buy new snacks right away!" Komaeda announced.

"I'll come with you," Hinata said.

They walked to the nearest grocery store together. "Aren't you cold?" He asked Komaeda.

"A bit, but I'll be fine,"

"No need to pretend, I can see you shivering. Here." He took off his long black coat and wrapped it around Komaeda's shoulders. Underneath, Hinata wore black pants and a black sweater. "Better?" He tucked a strand of hair behind Komaeda's ear.

"Yes, thank you." He smiled. "You're so kind to me,"

They continued walking to the store. Once they were inside, they put lots of snacks into the cart.

"Heya!" A voice said. They turned to see Iruma, a girl from their school standing behind them, wearing a cat girl outfit. "Can you put on the mask Hinata?"

The brunet pulled it over his face.

She laughed. "Hahaha!! You look like you're getting the best head in the history of mankind,"

Hinata took it off again. "Gross,"

"What are ya doin' here? Getting some candles for a fun night?"

"We're buying snacks for a Halloween party," Komaeda told her, annoyed. "What about you?"

"Pretty much the same thing. Ouma invited me to a party at his place and wanted me to bring some drinks. Komaeda, didn't you have a better bunny suit? You know, something that might get Hinata's antenna hair standing up straight if you get what I'm saying?"

"That's enough of that." Hinata grabbed Komaeda's hand and dragged him away. They paid for the snacks and went back to Komaeda's house. Iruma did not have to say the thing about Komaeda's costume. How did she even know he thought Komaeda was pretty? Or was she just guessing?

"We're back! And we brought more snacks!" Komaeda called out, giving the coat back to Hinata, who put it on.

"Snacks! Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!" Mioda chanted, grabbing a bag of chips. She ripped it open and began to eat.

"Komaeda-kun, can we put on a horror movie?" Nanami asked.

"Of course!" He hurried into the living room to help pick one out. Hinata looked for his brother. He found him looking at photos that were hung up in the hallway.

"Komaeda's father takes lots of photos of him, huh?" Hinata said. Every picture was either of Komaeda alone or Komaeda and his father together.

"Hinata-kun! Kamukura-kun!" Komaeda called out. "Wanna watch Scream with us?"

"Hell yeah!" Hinata grinned and went into the living room, followed by his brother.

"Hinata-kun, can you sit next to me? I get scared so easily..." Komaeda said.

"Of course." Hinata wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Komaeda smiled. He didn't get scared easily.

During the movie, Komaeda clung to Hinata, acting scared.

"This is so boring! It's like nothing's happening!" Saionji complained.

"She's literally covered in blood," Kamukura told her. "Your morbid desires to see her in even more pain does not make you any more interesting,"

"Shut up, you nasty trashy-"

"Shhh!" Komaeda hissed. "I can barely hear the movie." He put his head on Hinata's chest.

When the movie was over, Komaeda looked at Hinata, who was wearing the mask of the killer from the movie.

"You're so scary like this! You won't kill me, right?"

"Oh, I will!" He pointed his finger at Komaeda's throat and slid it across it, as if he was cutting it.

Komaeda fell over and landed on the ground, playing dead. "And what are you gonna do now?"

"Uh, I'll go get a nurse," He looked over at Tsumiki. Komaeda immediately stood up. He did not want her to fall and start apologizing right now.

"I-it's too late... Once you slit his throat, he's gone forever,"

"Or maybe you're just a bad nurse!" Saionji laughed.

"Komaeda, this child is annoying. Why did you invite a third grader?" Kamukura said.

"I'm not a third grader, you shit-faced snake! I hope you fall down the stairs and die!"

"I will not,"

Komaeda sighed. "Stop fighting, please..."

"How about we go trick or treating?" Nanami asked, wanting to get them to be quiet.

"Good idea! I'm not sure if we'll get anything though since we're not kids anymore," Koizumi said.

"I say it's worth a try!" Mioda told them.

Later, Hinata and Komaeda sat on a bench on a playground together. Komaeda leaned his head against Hinata's shoulder.

"This was so fun... you're so cool, Hinata-kun,"

"You're cool too." He said, smiling.

Komaeda closed his eyes and let out a relaxed sigh.

Hinata's smile faded. "I wish you were a girl,"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now