17 | Party

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"And the Egyptians were among the first- Hajime. Why are you interrupting our fact talk?"

"I didn't even say anything!"

"Hinata-kun, you can sit down with us! Kamukura-kun's facts are so interesting!"

"Izuru doesn't even like boats,"

Komaeda tilted his head. "Huh? He obviously does. He's dressed as a pirate,"

"And you're not dressed as a rabbit, but you talk about them all the time. Costumes have nothing to do with it,"

"I would have! But I didn't want to look like one of those playboy girls..." He sighed.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with playboy girls." Hinata crossed his arms. "Don't judge them,"

"I'm not judging them!" Komaeda promised. "But why are you so defensive? Do you like looking at them?"

Hinata turned red. "I wouldn't say I like to. I mean, I don't buy those magazines. I just- look, seeing playboy girls won't cause me pain, let's leave it at that,"

Kamukura shook his head. "Typical teenagers. Instead of thinking about the female body, you should focus on important things. Like boats,"

"Or bunnies!" Komaeda added.

"Whatever. Look, I like things too! Just not boats," Hinata defended himself.

"Oh, you can tell me about your interests too!" Komaeda said happily. "What do you like, Hinata-kun?"

"I like, uh, basketball, video games and... just things, okay? Damn..."

Komaeda was confused. Why was Hinata in such a bad mood? They were just talking about cool boat and bunny facts. What was wrong with that?

"I can sense your jealousy. I will leave you and your Mary Ormond alone then, Blackbeard." He got up.

"Mary who??" Hinata asked.

"Oh! Oh! Kamukura-kun told me that! She was, uhmmm, Blackbeard's wife! He's saying you're Blackbeard and I'm your wife! Ahaha! Thanks for the boat and pirate facts!" He called out.

"And? Do you remember what the first boat was called?"

"It's called the Pesse Canoe, Captain!"

"Good job, crewmate. Ahoy!" He said that and then left.

Hinata sat down where his brother sat before. Komaeda smiled brightly. "I want to hear all your video game facts!"

"I don't really have any. I just like playing them,"

"Huh? Then why did you interrupt us? I wanted to hear more facts,"

"'Cause you're my friend and I wanted to hang out with you," Hinata said.

Komaeda's cheeks heated up. "Oh!" The fuzzy feeling he always had around Hinata came back now.

"Okay, I am bored now. Can I tell you more boat facts?" Kamukura asked.

"Since when are you back??" Hinata questioned.

"Four... five... six seconds," His brother answered.

"You can tell the both of us boat facts!" Komaeda smiled sweetly.

"Everyone!" Mioda announced. "The pool's heated up now, we can go swimming!

"Swimming?" Komaeda asked. "No one told me about that. I didn't bring anything,"

"Arrghh, I should've brought my miniature boats..." Kamukura said.

"I'll stay here with you, Komaeda," Hinata told him as the others went into the garden.

Komaeda began to feel tired after a while and leanded his head against Hinata's shoulder. The brunet turned red, but... why? Komaeda was a boy, not a girl. And Hinata was straight. He knew for sure he liked girls, there was no questioning that. But lately, when it came to boys... it was different. Only when it came to Komaeda though. He never caught himself thinking about Souda's appearance or turning red when they were close to each other.

But damn... Komaeda was really pretty. Especially in this outfit.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now