15 | Akio

122 9 25

Tw: mentions of ab//se

"Komaeda, you said your parents are divorced, right?"


"And you also said it's 'cause of your brother. Why?"

Komaeda looked down at his legs. "I'm not sure if the cafeteria is really the place I want to talk about this. It's pretty... private. And quite the horrible story... But you can come home with me after school if you want and I'll tell you, okay?"

Hinata nodded. "Sure,"


Hours later, they sat down on Komaeda's bed. The pale boy took a deep breath. He didn't like talking about this. In fact, he never wanted to mention it at all. Just thinking back on it made him feel the pain all over again.

"Uhm, so... I think I was four or five. And Akio must have been eight or nine, then. We were in the basement together, where the washer and dryer stood. And before this, he did so many cruel things. He pushed me off the swing, he tried drowning me in the pool, he beat me up, he broke my leg, he pushed a closet on me and... just a bunch of things. But that day, he..." Komaeda shuddered. "I-I was so scared, Hinata-kun. I didn't want to die... I thought I was going to... I wanted to live, I was so scared..." His hands began shaking.

Hinata rubbed his back. "Hey, you're okay. He can't hurt you now,"

"Mhm... He... He shoved me into the dryer. A-and I started screaming. And he shut the door and turned it on and... laughed. He just laughed as I was sobbing and screaming. I-I seriously thought it was gonna be the end..."

"And then?"

"My parents heard it. They ran downstairs and my dad ripped open the dryer and saved me. A-and then my mom asked Akio if he was okay. She was always on his side..." He said, pulling his knees to his chest. "D-dad got mad and started yelling at her because she wasn't worried about me. And then he just... said he was getting a divorce. H-he said that was the last straw and that we didn't need her or Akio in our lives, I... can you hug me?" He asked, voice cracking.

Hinata wrapped his arms around the white-haired boy.

"I-it was horrible... and it hurt so bad,"

"You're okay. Everything's alright," Hinata assured him. Yumi jumped onto the bed and snuggled up to Komaeda.

"H-he was going to kill me. Wh-what if he tries it again?"

"I'll protect you from him. Don't worry."

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now