7 | Shopping

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Komaeda was sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. His father sat there too, drawing in his sketchbook.



"Can I have-"

"Of course!" He smiled. "Just take some money from my wallet, okay?"

"Thanks, you're the best! Then I'll go once I'm done eating,"



Komaeda left the house a while later. He really wanted to get a new top.

To his surprise, Hinata was at the shopping center. He seemed a little lost. The pale boy decided to approach him.

"Hello there!" He smiled.


"I didn't think you liked shopping,"

"I'm here to buy a gift for my mom. It's her birthday soon,"

"Oh, how sweet!"

"Yeah, but I don't know what to buy for her,"

"Hm... what kind of things does she like?"

"Uh... jewelry, makeup, dresses, dogs and good food,"

"Then buy her a pretty necklace,"

"But my dad's already getting her one,"

Komaeda put a hand to his chin. "How about... a bracelet?"

"That doesn't sound too bad,"

"Then something else. It's your mother after all, it needs to be perfect,"

"Do you think she'll like clothes?"

Komaeda nodded. "Of course! Who doesn't like clothes?"

"Can you help me look for something good? You know more about fashion than me,"

"I'd love to!"

They went into a store and looked in the dress section. "Does your mom prefer floor long dresses or like knee long?"

"Knee long. And she likes this specific color... uh... kinda pink, but not really,"

"Rose gold?"

"Yeah, that!"

As they looked for clothes, they talked a bit. "So, why are you here?" Hinata asked.

"I'm looking for the perfect top," Komaeda said as he grabbed a dress. "This one seems good, right?"

"Yeah, that's perfect!"

Hinata bought the dress and then went into a store Komaeda wanted to look around in. "OMG!! This one's so cute!" Komaeda grabbed a bright blue crop top with the word 'babe' written on it in a pink font.

Hinata grimaced. "You sure?"


"Why 'babe'?"

Komaeda shrugged. "No clue. But I like it! If I ever get a boyfriend, he'll know what to call me,"

"...boyfriend?" Hinata raised an eyebrow.

Komaeda gasped and covered his mouth. "I-I didn't mean to say that!"

"It's fine. I don't judge that kinda stuff." Hinata gave him a thumbs up, smiling. "And I won't tell anyone,"

"Thank you!" Komaeda hugged him quickly.

"No problem,"

Komaeda paid for his top and they left the shopping center. Hinata did his best to be extra nice to Komaeda in order to make up for being so rude before.

"Do you want me to bring you home?" He asked.

Komaeda giggled. "Sure!"

The pale boy was really happy now that they were on good terms. He had a huge crush on Hinata and being told off by him had made him want to cry. But now he was happy.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now