19 | Arrested

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As Komaeda left the school, his phone buzzed. It was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, Nagito. Your dad's waiting for you at the parking lot. Come here.

He frowned.

Komaeda: Sorry, who are you?

Unknown: Akio

Hinata walked past Komaeda, but the pale boy grabbed his sleeve. "Hinata-kun?"


He showed him the phone. Hinata read the messages. "Akio's... your brother, right?"

"Yes, he is,"

"If you want, I'll bring you to your dad's car to make sure you get there safely,"

"You would do that for me?" Komaeda asked.

"Of course. I won't let anything happen to you," he promised.


"For sure. I won't let anything happen to any of my friends. You're all equally precious to me." He put a hand on his shoulder.

The two boys walked to the parking lot. Komaeda looked around for his father's car.

"There you are! Oh, and you brought you friend too." His brother walked towards them. "This time though, he won't be able to- OWW!! Stop punching me-!! ARGHH!!"

"Komaeda, call the cops!" Hinata said as he continued to punch him,

"Y-yes!" He nervously got out his phone and called them. "Wh-what do I say?"

Hinata punched him again. "Tell them to come here and arrest him!"

"R-right! At the high school parking lot!" He told them.

Akio grabbed Hinata's fist. "Shit!" The brunet ducked down as Komaeda's brother tried to punch him. "Argh!" Hinata groaned as he got punched in the face.

Komaeda's father arrived at the school as well as the police. He got out of the car. "Huh? What in the world is going on here?" He asked, hurrying to get to his son. "Angel, are you okay?"

"I am, but-" He looked at his friend. "Hinata-kun! Your nose is bleeding! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I don't feel a thing. In fact, I don't feel my face at all right now,"

"That's not a very good sign..." Komaeda got tissues out of his bag and whiped away the blood on Hinata's face. "You'll feel better soon,"

"I don't feel bad. Like I said, that was nothing. I'm pretty tough,"

"You really are. You're my savior!" Komaeda said.

"You don't need to thank me for that,"

"Oh, and you're humble too!"

Akio was now put in handcuffs and an officer approached Komaeda. "So, what happened?"

"That's my brother. Ever since we were kids, he hurt me and a while ago he came back and hurt me again! And he texted me so I would come here and he could hurt me again, here!" He showed the conversation on his phone. "But Hinata-kun managed to fight him off! Isn't he so dreamy?"

"...sure. We'll take care of this from here on,"

"Thank you," Mr. Komaeda said.

Hinata's nose had stopped bleeding now and Komaeda's father offered to drive him home. Komaeda kept thanking him and telling him how amazing he was.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now