30 | Happy | Last Chapter

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Hinata couldn't handle not making their relationship public. He was the one who told Komaeda not to tell anyone, yet he was the one who couldn't do it.

And so, he found himself behind the school, kissing Komaeda, who was leaning against a wall like usual when they kissed.

"Hinata-kun..." Komaeda whispered. "Are you sure about this? Aren't you scared we'll get caught?"

"I am." Hinata grabbed his face and kissed him again. "But I don't care. I wanna kiss you right now,"

"But... you were so nervous before. What changed your mind?"

"It's just really fun to kiss you,"

"I can tell. You do it every chance you get,"

"I know... Look, babe, our classmates can know. I think. They won't tell anyone, right?"

"That's fine by me. But how do we tell them?"

"Here." Hinata grabbed his own collar and pulled it up. "Kiss it. It'll leave your lipstick on there and then they'll be able to figure out it's the color of your lips right now,"

"Are you sure? My lips are such a bright color today, so I don't think there'll be any going back once I did it,"

"Go ahead,"

Komaeda leanded forward and kissed the collar of Hinata's shirt. "This reminds me of those movies where a wife finds a lipstick mark of her husband's mistress on his work shirt,"

"Well, you're not my mistress. You're the only one I like,"

"I'd hope so," Komaeda said, giggling.


Yukizome left the classroom and they all began to talk, not working on their tasks.

Mioda ran around the classroom and then noticed the lipstick on Hinata's shirt.

"Oh!" She gasped. "Who's the lucky lady?"

Komaeda looked at them. Mioda looked back at him. Then at his lips. "Kyaaaa!!!!" She shrieked. "That's crazy!"

"What is?" Souda asked.

Hinata felt like he could throw up. This was a bad decision...

If Souda didn't accept Hinata, he would lose his best friend.

"Can I tell him?" Mioda asked.

Hinata stared at her. He could feel Komaeda looking at him. He could feel Souda looking at him. He could feel everyone looking at him.

"I won't tell him if you don't allow it," She said.

"Hinata-kun? Are you okay?" Komaeda asked. Hinata looked at the pale boy.

He had promised to tell them. He promised it. He couldn't let Komaeda down. So, he got up and did what any normal person would do in this situation. He grabbed Komaeda's face and kissed him.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Souda shrieked. Several gasps could be heard.

Hinata pulled away from the kiss. "That was Komaeda's lipstick on my shirt. We're dating." He looked at Souda, who was frozen shock. "...soul bro? You okay?" Hinata asked nervously.

"This sucks..." Souda muttered.

Hinata clenched his fist. No... no way. He didn't want to lose Souda.

"How come my best friend is dating someone before me?!" He asked.

Hinata sighed in relief.

"Don't worry, man. I'm not homophobic," Souda assured him.

"Me neither! Ah, you make such an adorable couple," Sonia said.

Tanaka looked at Komaeda and gave him a thumbs up. The pale boy smiled.

"I should have gotten a picture! I could've added it to my collection..." Hanamura complained.

Everyone groaned.

"Shut up, Hanamura!"

Hinata was happy though. No one seemed to have a problem.


Komaeda's father went to pick his son up from Hinata's place. Mr. Hinata opened the door. "Ah, good evening!"

"Good evening. I'm here to get Nagito,"

"Noooooo!!" Komaeda whined.

Both of the dads chuckled. "If you want, you can come in for a coffee so they can hang out a bit longer,"

"Sure, why not?"

"My friend is here too though, just so you know,"

They went into the kitchen and Hinata's father began to make a coffee. There sat a woman at the table. She was in her 40s and wore very fashionable clothes. As a fashion designer, he just had to point that out.

"Excuse me, mam, but I have to say, your blouse looks amazing. Is it from Takahashi's 1998 spring collection?"

"It is." She nodded, smiling. "So you know a thing or two about fashion?"

"A thing or three. I'm a designer,"

"How amazing. It's nice to meet you. My name is Takeshi Koujo." She shook his hand.

"Komaeda Kenta. It's a pleasure to meet you too,"

"You're Komaeda Kenta?" She asked, surprised.

"In the flesh." He chuckled.

"Wow, you're a fashion genius,"

He blushed. "Ah, thank you..."

Mr. Hinata looked at him and chuckled.

"My niece loves everything you make!" She got up and walked towards him to grab his hand. "You're amazing,"

He blushed even more and looked away, embarassed. "Th-thank you, ma'am..."

In the living room, Hinata, Kamukura and Komaeda were sitting. The two boyfriends were kissing, as always. "Hinata-kun, isn't this a bit awkward for your brother?"

"Not just a bit," Kamukura stated.

"Whatever." Hinata said and leaned down to kiss Komaeda, who was laying on the couch.

"I love you, babe,"

"I love you too, Hinata-kun,"

Takeshi wrote her number down in a piece of paper and put it into the man's breast pocket. "Give me a call, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am!" He agreed.

"I should go home now. Have a nice night, you two." She gave Hinata's father a hug and then winked at Komaeda's father before she left.

"You guys seemed to be hitting it off quite well," Mr. Hinata pointed out.

"Y-yes... haha..." he took a sip of his coffee.

"Uh, but... can I ask what happened to your wife? Or... Komaeda-kun's mother?"

"We got a divorce many years ago. It had to do with Angel's older brother. But I actually saw her again a few weeks ago. Ever since Akio has been in jail, she's been doing much better and got a new boyfriend, who seemed very kind. I'm happy for her,"

"That's nice, but... why did he go to jail?"

"He was very violent," Was all Mr. Komaeda said and wanted to say.

Hinata leaned down to kiss Komaeda again. "Man, you're such a pretty boy,"

"Thank you." He smiled.

Hinata was so happy now. Everyone he loved accepted them. He knew it was very early, but if he could, he would put a ring on Komaeda's finger right now.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now