3 | Dogs

222 8 72

Hinata let out an inner sigh as he saw Komaeda Kenta waiting in line at the register. He was coming closer and closer to Hinata, who was working there at the moment. He seemed nice, but Hinata was sure he hated him as much as his son did.

"Ah, Hinata-san," He said. "Here, just this, please. I decided to buy a few gifts for Nagito, you know?"

Those 'few gifts' probably cost more than Hinata's clothes have cost over the course of the whole year.

"Also, do you know what kind of bunnies Nagito likes? He was sad yesterday, so I bought him a black one and a white one, but the white one's ears are floppy. Do you think he'll mind?"

"I don't really know. He never told me about what kind of animals he likes best,"

"Do you guys talk often?"

"Not really, no. We're not friends or anything."

"You should talk to him sometime,"

"Sure... Uh, that makes 10.135¥"

"There you go,"

"Here's the receipt." Hinata handed him it.

"Thank you! Have a nice day, Hinata-san!" He smiled and then left.


"Nagito!" His father called out as he entered the house. "I got you something!"

The pale boy ran downstairs. "Dad, you're back!" He gave him a quick and then looked up at him, excited.

"First of all, here. Some new clothes. It's been almost three days since you last went shopping, after all. We can't have that,"

"Thank you! Ah, but my closet is getting really stuffed,"

"Then we'll get you a new one. Aaaaand, here! You've always wanted bunnies, right?"

"Aaah!!! Oh my god, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" He jumped up and down in excitement as his father let the bunnies out of the box he had carried them in.

"They're adorable!!" He pat their heads. "Are they boys or girls?"

"Both are girls,"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! The black one... is Kyouka. And the white one is... hm... Miffy!"

"How cute. I also ordered you a proper cage for them. It's really big, so the people who bring it will set it up in the garden. It should be here any minute now-" The doorbell rang. "There it is!"

"Thank you so much, dad! I love them!! And you too!"


Meanwhile, Hinata entered his house.

"Welcome back," His mother said, sitting at the table while doing something on her laptop. "How was work?"

"It was fine. Komaeda's dad went to the store again,"

"Komaeda... Kenta, right? I think he's attending some interview today, if you're interested,"

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, he does own a huge fashion brand, right? He's pretty famous. Do you want to watch it?"

"Why not? Sure,"

"I'll tell you when it's on, okay?"

"Alright, thanks." He went into the kitchen and warmed up some leftovers. After he ate, he decided to go on a walk with his dog. It was a German Shepherd called Daitan. As he walked, he suddenly noticed a smaller dog running towards them with no leash on and no owner in sight.

His dog began barking and Hinata pulled him close to his legs so he wouldn't start running towards the smaller dog.

"Nonono!! Wait, stop running!" He heard someone say. "Yumi, quit it!" He saw Komaeda running after the dog now. The dog got to Hinata and began barking at Daitan.

Komaeda caught up to his dog and grabbed it by its collar. "Bad dog!" He scolded. "Don't just run out of the house like that, you could've gotten hurt!" The pale boy then noticed Hinata. And then the dog. He shrieked. "Aah!!"

"What's wrong?"

"Y-your dog..."

Daitan took a step towards Komaeda and the white-haired boy winced. "P-please get him away from me..." He whispered.

"Daitan, come here." The dog listened and walked back to stand beside Hinata. "He listens well to commands, and he doesn't bite. You don't gotta be scared,"

Komaeda blushed. Hinata was so nice...

"You can go now," the brunet said, annoyed. Komaeda didn't need to act scared of his dog just because he hated Hinata, that was just childish.

"Sorry! I'll leave you alone!"

Hinata glanced at the small, white poodle Komaeda had with him. "That's a cute dog,"

"I know, right? Yumi is the absolute cutest! And look at her bow, it's so adorable!"

"I prefer big scary dogs, but that one fits you since it's white with a pink accessory,"

Komaeda giggled. Hinata glared at him. 'Stop fucking laughing at me...'

"Your dog fits you too though. You have brown hair and your dog is partly brown. And it's also big and you're a bit... uhm..." He blushed.


"No!!" Komaeda yelped. "That's not what I was gonna say!! I just- uhmmm... you look like you go to the gym sometimes,"

That surprised Hinata. Why would Komaeda compliment him?

"Oh. Uh, thanks, man,"

Komaeda picked Yumi up and pat her head. "You're welcome! Uhm, his name is Daitan, right?"


"He really is scary... I'm only scared of big dogs like him. When I was a little kid, I got attacked by one. Ever since then, I've been scared of them,"

"Like I said, Daitan's nice. He doesn't attack people." 'Not even ones who hate me for no reason...'

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now