24 | Party

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Komaeda was putting up decorations for the Halloween party he was hosting, when he suddenly noticed something terrible.

"DAD!!!" He shrieked.

"What's wrong, Angel?"

"I-I don't have a costume!"

"Oh dear... Uhm, you take my credit card and go buy something. I'll finish these decorations, okay?"

"Yes!" Komaeda quickly made his way to the mall. He went into a costume store and looked around. He saw one of those bunny suits. Dressing up as a bunny sounded fun, but he didn't want to wear revealing clothes like that. No one would want to see that anyway...

He decided to buy it for the ears but then buy other clothes to make the outfit. He went into a clothing store and chose to wear all white since he would be a white bunny. He bought a big white sweater with white shorts. Those would be cold, sure, but he could just turn the heater on. He also bought long white socks and then went home to put everything on.

Once he did, he decided to add fluffy white boots to the outfit. "All done!" He said. Komaeda went downstairs again, where his father was done decorating.

"Oh, you look amazing, Angel!" He said, smiling.

"Thank you!"

"You look just like the bunny you have,"

Komaeda giggled.


The guests began to arrive. It was just Komaeda's classmates and Kamukura, really.

"Nagi-chaaan!! You look so cute, I wanna eat you!" Mioda was dressed as a skeleton. Behind her stood Tsumiki, dressed as a scary nurse.

"You guys look great too! Here, come in." He stepped aside to let them into the house. Later, Hinata came too. Komaeda opened the door for him.

The brunet turned red. 'Why does he have to look cute while I'm trying to be straight?!'

"Oh, you're dressed as that one guy... hm... what was his name again?"

"Ghostface," Hinata said.

"Right, him! And Kamukura-kun?"

"The phantom of the opera,"

"Oh, that qould make such a cool trio costume now that I think about it! Someone would be the phantom, one would be Raoul and one would be Christine,"

"Perhaps next time. Hajime can get a Raoul costume and I am sure there are plenty of Christine costumes for you,"

"Who the hell is Raoul? And Christine?"

"Raoul is Christine's boyfriend," Komaeda explained. "The phantom is in love with her as well,"

"Damn, she's getting all the guys,"

"The phantom is a bad person though. He wants to force her to marry him and stuff like that. At the end, he dies of heartbreak after she chooses Raoul over him. Or after she dies, I'm not really sure,"

"Gahahaha!! You guys have such nice costumes!" Nidai laughed, entering the house. He was dressed as the hulk. Owari, who stood next to him, was she-hulk.

"I think everyone's there now," Komaeda said.

"Komaeda," Souda began, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Is there by any chance any alcohol here?"

"No, I don't drink and I don't like it when people are drunk," he explained. "Also, you're not 20, so you're not allowed to drink,"

"Duuude, that sucks,"

"You'll suck when I'm done with you," Hinata said. "If Komaeda doesn't want alcohol here, there won't be alcohol here,"

"Fine." Souda nodded. "Also, what's with this big house? Are your parents rich?"

"My father owns a clothing brand,"

"Right! Is he single?" Souda joked.

"He's too old for you." Komaeda stared him in the eyes.

"I know, I was joking! I'm not gay! I mean, there's nothing wrong with-" Hinata put a hand in front of his mouth.

"That's enough of that,"

Souda walked away, sulking. Hinata looked at Komaeda again. As usual, he looked seriously pretty. But it wasn't just that, was it? If he was being honest with himself, he knew there was more to it than that. Nanami was pretty, but he didn't want to hold and protect and kiss her. It was different with Komaeda. He did want to hold and protect and kiss him.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now