21 | Dense

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"These ones are perfect for her!" Tanaka said, grabbing a bouquet of black roses with a blood red string holding them together.

"They're soooo Sonia-san's style!" Komaeda agreed.

"And you truly believe she will accept my confession,"

"For sure!" Komaeda smiled. Tanaka handed him the bouquet. "Can you hold this, mortal? I have to grab my so-called wallet,"

"Of course,"

Hinata passed the flower shop and saw the two boys. This confirmed his suspicion. He was definetly gonna ask Komaeda about this.

And the next day, he did. He saw the pale boy sitting on a bench during lunch. He sat down next to him and put an arm around his shoulder, smirking.

"Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked, cheeks turning pink.

"Hey there, Komaeda. Is there anything you wanna tell me?"

He blushed even more. "H-huh? No, I-I don't think so. What do you mean?"

"I don't know... anything involving love, maybe?"

"E-eh?!" He turned away from Hinata. "N-no way... How do you know? Who told you?"

"I figured it out by myself. You've been pretty obvious about it in the past few days. I heard you talking to Tanaka, you know?"

"No!" Komaeda shook his head. "You don't understand, it's not like that!"

Hinata pat his arm. "No worries. Figuring out you like Tanaka was very easy. And since I'm so supportive and accepting, I'll be your wingman. Unless you're dating already,"

"T-Tanaka-kun?? No, I don't like him!"

"Be serious. He was holding you against the wall and you yelled at him to kiss you and yesterday he gave you flowers,"

"No, that's a misunderstanding! We're not together!"

"Sure." Hinata nodded. "Do you know where he is tomorrow?"

"Uhm, yes. He's at the amusement park with Sonia-san tomorrow evening,"


The day after that, Hinata dragged him to the amusement park in the evening. He wanted to show his support for Komaeda. Without the pale boy knowing, they followed Tanaka and Sonia around the whole time, always several feet behind them.

"Hinata-kun, I really don't like rollercoasters. They're dangerous. Can't we go on a different ride?"

"I wanna go there. Can you wait for me here?"

"Sure, I can do that,"

Hinata went on the rollercoaster, just a few wagons behind Tanaka and Sonia. They left it once it was over and he did too.

"Hinata-kun, I bought a crêpe for you." He held it towards him, cheeks pink. "I hope you like it with cinnamon,"

"Thanks, man! I love cinnamon. Especially cinnamonrolls,"

(Remember the Danganronpa x Sanrio collab where Komaeda is paired with cinnamoroll? Ik I'm so clever for that)

"Oh, I'm glad,"

"Come on, let's walk around while I eat it." He put a hand on Komaeda's back, making him blush, and walked after Tanaka.

Eventually, the two students entered the haunted house. Hinata and Komaeda went there too.

"Oh, Hinata-kun, I get scared so easily," Komaeda lied. "Can you protect me if anything happens?"

"Of course." He nodded.

They went inside too. Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm. A witch jumped in front of them and screamed.

"Aahh!! That's so scary!" Komaeda pretended to be terrified. Hinata held him close.

"It's okay, Komaeda. I'm right here with you,"

They kept walking and a vampire grabbed Komaeda's shoulders from behind. "Aaah!!! Help me, Hinata-kun!"

The brunet grabbed his hand and pulled him close again. "I won't let anything happen to you,"

They caught up to Tanaka and Sonia. Hinata decided to watch what they were doing. Tanaka pulled out a familiar bouquet of black roses.

"My dark queen, my demonic empress," He began. "Our powers combined would make the world a scarier place. Would you be so kind as to accept my feelings of adoration for you?" He asked.

She smiled brightly. "Oh, of course! I love you too, Tanaka-san!" She kissed his cheek. He blushed and covered his face with his scarf.

"Shit..." Hinata said. "Komaeda, I'm so sorry. I guess he likes someone else,"


"I'm sure you'll find the right guy for you eventually,"

"I... I-I..." Komaeda sighed. He looked into Hinata's eyes. "You don't get it!" He ran past Tanaka ans Sonia, out of the haunted house. Hinata ran after him.

"Komaeda, wait! I know you're sad, but we can figure something out! How about I buy you a crêpe now to cheer you up?" He called out.

Komaeda sat down on a bench and pulled his knees to his chest, starting to cry. Hinata sat down next to him. "It's gonna be okay. I had no idea you liked him that much,"

"I don't! I don't like Tanaka-kun like that... I like someone else,"

"You do? Who?"

Komaeda whiped his tears and looked at the brunet. "He won't ever like me back. N-no matter what I do, he just won't notice me... He doesn't see me in the way I want him to see me. I bet he only likes girls anyway..."

"Komaeda," Hinata said sternly. "You're so pretty, you could turn any guy at least bye... bisexual? I think that's what it's called,"

"Really?" He looked at Hinata with teary eyes.

"Of course." Hinata grabbed his face and whiped his tears with his thumbs. "Not me though, I'm straight,"

"Oh... I knew it! I knew he would never see me in that way,"

"Huh?? How do you know?? Didn't I just tell you you can turn any guy bisexual?"

Komaeda sighed. 'He's so stupid sometimes...'

"I heard what you said..."

'...why do I even like that? I'm weird...'

"You gotta try harder, probably. Make it obvious that you like him,"

Komaeda nodded. "Alright." He leaned his head on Hinata's shoulder. "You're so awesome... I like you,"

"Thanks! I like you too, you're one of my best friends,"

'Why do I even try?!'

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now