14 | Boats

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Hinata walked past his brother's room. Talking about him with Komaeda made him miss the dark-haired boy. He knocked on his door.

"Mother?" Kamukura asked.

"No, it's me. Can I come in?"


"'Cause I haven't seen you in super long,"

"...no. I do not want to open the door,"

"Ughhh... Izuru. You're my twin brother. I know you're not content in there,"

"I am. Leave me alone..."

Hinata sighed. "Dude, I miss you,"

"How tragic,"

"Izuru, come on just let me in!"

"Why..? I don't like taking. I like working on my projects in here,"

"What kinda projects?" Hinata asked.

"Building miniature boats,"


"Yes. You know I love boats. Everyone knows that,"

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "No?? No one knows that,"

"Of course they do. I have always loved boats,"

"No, you haven't. What's going on with you?"


Hinata put a hand on the door. "Can I please come in?"

"...fine." he heard Kamukura walk towards the door and then unlock it. Hinata went inside and his eyes widened. Kamukura's hair was long. Extremely long. It had always been very long, but it was almost covering the entire floor.

"Dude, cut it!" Hinata said.


"You can't walk around like this,"

"I don't walk around,"

The brunet shook his head and then looked around. "Why do you have so many boats all over your room? And why are there 50 tabs open on your computer about... boat facts..? What the hell is going on??"

"Can't a man like boats in peace?"

"Not like this! You don't like boats, you're Izuru! Izuru doesn't like boats, he doesn't like anything!"

"Excuse me? I have always liked many things!"



Hinata let out a sigh. "Okay, everyone goes through weird phases in their teen years, this is fine. Can I at least cut your hair?"

"No. And I want you to leave now. People who hate boats aren't allowed in my room,"

"I don't hate boats!"

Kamura pushed him out of his room. "Ahoy!"

"Why are you talking in pirate slang??"

"Belay that talk!" He slammed the door shut.

"...what the hell??" Kamukura truly never liked boats. He had never even talked about boats. What in the world was going on with him?

Kamukura sat down at his desk and continued researching boats. He loved boats. He always did. Hinata was just stupid and didn't remember. Everyone knew he loved boats.

Their mother walked upstairs and saw the brunet sitting in front of Kamukura's room.

"What's wrong, Hajime?" She asked.

"Did you know Izuru likes boats?"

"What? Boats? Izuru doesn't like boats. Izuru doesn't like anything,"

"I love boats!" Kamukura yelled from his room. "I always have! To err is human but to arr is pirate! I've always said that!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now