6 | Apologize

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"Look what you did, dude! He's super sad,"

"But... he totally hated me,"

"He didn't! You have to apologize to him, soul bro," Souda told him as the bell rang.

"Fine... I'll apologize after school,"


Once school was over, Komaeda was already on the way to the parking lot where his father was waiting to pick him up. It was raining again so he had his bunny umbrella out.

Hinata saw him walking and hurried after him, despite the rain pouring down on him. Just as Komaeda reached the car, Hinata caught up to him. The brunet leaned against the car with one arm on top of it.

"Hinata-kun?" Komaeda asked.

"I gotta apologize to you,"

"For what?"

"For being a dick. I thought you hated me, so I was being rude back. But you were never rude in the first place. I'm sorry,"

Komaeda felt like he was in some kind of romance movie. Hinata had ran after him just to apologize and now he was drenched in the rain. Just for him...

"It's okay! I forgive you,"

Hinata smiled. "Awesome. We're cool then?" He held out his fist for a fistbump.

Komaeda shook his fist like a handshake. "Mhm! Ah, do you walk to school?"


"I can ask my dad to drive you home if you want,"

"That would be awesome. Thank you,"

Komaeda opened the door. "Hey, dad!"

"Hey, Angel,"

"Can you bring Hinata-kun home too? It's raining a lot,"

"Of course,"

Komaeda looked at Hinata. "You can get in,"

As they drove, Komaeda's father began to talk. "So, Hinata-san, would you like to hang out with Nagito sometime? He really wants to,"

"Dad!!" Komaeda scolded, blushing.

"What? I'm just trying to help you. You said you wanted to hang out with-"

"Shh!!" He hissed, embarassed. "He's lying, Hinata-kun!"

His father chuckled. "I'm not lying,"

"You are! I never even said anything ever in my whole life!"

After Hinata got home, he changed his clothes. Now he wasn't in a bad mood anymore. Knowing that Komaeda didn't hate him for no reason really lifted a boulder off his heart.

Meanwhile, Komaeda sat on the floor in his room, playing with his new bunnies. They were so adorable.

"Aw, you're so smart, miffy!" He said. "Here, have a carrot as a reward! You too, Kyouka!"

Miffy always seemed a little bit sleepy while Kyouka was a very active and energetic bunny. She hopped towards Komaeda's CD player.

"Oh, you wanna listen to music?" He asked, grabbing his CD box. "Sure. Hm... how about this one?" He put it into the CD player and turned it on. He picked her up and spun around slowly. "Wow, what a talented dancer you are, Kyouka!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now