12 | Night

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In the evening, they laid in their tent. Hinata was ready to go to sleep, when he heard Komaeda gasp.

"There's a bug!" Komaeda said, pointing at the wall of the tent.

"It won't hurt you, just ignore it," Hinata said.

"Can you remove it? Please?" Komaeda pleaded.

Hinata reached out to the bug and it crawled onto his hand.

"AH!! Why would you-?" He then covered his mouth. "Oh my god... you're gonna make me eat it, aren't you?"

"Huh?? Why the hell would I do that?"

"They taste so gross... and when they crawl around in your mouth and you chew... a-and then it's dead. B-but the worst part is having to swallow it..."

"What are you talking about??"

"If you're going to put that-" he pointed at the bug. "-in my mouth, please don't make me swallow it,"

"Woah!" They heard someone say from outside the tent. Hinata pulled down the zipper and saw that it was Hanamura.

"What's Hinata-kun trying to put into your mouth and make you swallow?" He asked, smirking.

"Gross." Komaeda stated.

"Well? What is it?"

"He thinks I wanna make him eat a bug,"

Hanamura walked into the tent. "Eat a bug?"

"Get out!" Hinata shouted as they both instinctively covered themselves with their blankets despite being fully dressed. "Why were you outside our tent?"

"I just wanted to see what kind of sleepwear you guys chose,"

"Hinata-kun, make him leave!" Komaeda said.

"What the hell do you want me to do??"

"I don't know, but you're the protector!"

Hanamura laughed. "There's no need to be scared of me,"

"I'm not scared, you asslord, you just gross me out!" Hinata told him.

Komaeda laid down, covering his entire body with his blanket. "Snrrk... mimimi..."

"Now that he's asleep, can I- OWWW!!" Hanamura flew out of the tent and Hinata pulled down the zipper.

"He's gone. You're safe,"

"Oh, thank you!" Komaeda leaped into Hinata's arms. "He's so weird, you're my hero!"

Hinata felt a weird feeling in his chest at that. A hero, huh? That sounded cool. And Komaeda was so happy about it. He wanted to continue to protect him, even after the camping trip.


The next morning, Hinata woke up to a heavy weight on his body. And this weird warmth...

He opened his eyes. On top of him laid-

"Tsumiki?!" He asked, confused.

Komaeda woke up due to that. Tsumiki was hugging Hinata in her sleep. His face was bright red due to being so close to her.

"Huh..? What's she doing here? Did you invite her?" He asked.

"No, I have no idea why she's here," Hinata said.

Then, the zipper got pulled up by Mioda, Tsumiki's tentmate. "Good nom nom nomming, Nagi-chan, Hajime-chan! Sorry about Miki-chan, she's a little silly!" She grabbed Tsumiki's hand and dragged her out of the tent. "Hope she didn't cause you to loose any sleep! Bye bye!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now