16 | Facts

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I did quite a bit of research on boats and bunnies for this chapter 😭

When Hinata got home that day, he couldn't stop thinking about what Komaeda said. His brother put him into a dryer?! He couldn't imagine doing something so horrible and dangerous to his little twin brother. Speaking of which, Kamukura was currently watching pirates of the Caribbean on full volume for the 5th time that day.

"Izuru!" He yelled. "Turn the volume down, damn!"

"Belay that talk, Hajime!" He hissed.

"No, you belay that volume! You don't even like boats!"

Kamukura paused the movie and opened the door. He had cut his hair. It was as long as usual now. "I like boats, I always have. Everyone knows that,"

"That's a lie and I don't know why you're pretending I don't know that! Why are you so crazy about boats all of a sudden? You were never interested in anything!"

"I was! I'm always interested in things! I am not bored and I am not boring! Everyone likes things and I'm like everyone else, so I like things!"

Hinata raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Izuru, I know you. You don't like things,"

"I do! Here, look!" He went into his room and came back with a pirate costume. "I spent all day making this!"


"Because I love boats!"

Hinata sighed. "Fine, whatever. Anyway, Mioda invited us to a costume party, so I guess you're already set,"

"I hate parties,"

"So, you don't wanna come?"

"No, I will. I will show off my boat knowledge to everyone. Do you know anyone who likes telling other people facts about something they're interested in? They might enjoy my boat facts,"

Hinata nodded. "Komaeda told me some facts about rabbits during the camping trip. You can talk to him,"

"Yo-ho-ho!" Kamukura exclaimed and went back into his room.


"Arghhh, dad!!" Komaeda said. "I don't know what I should dress up as!"

"How about a bunny?"

"No, those costumes are always supposed to be sexy, and that's weird. I want to look pretty,"

"That's true. Hm... how about an Angel?"

"Ah, that might work!" He said, smiling.

"I'll start making one for you right away! Let's start by measuring you,"


The day of the party came and the twins were there before Komaeda. Kamukura was dressed in his pirate outfit and Hinata was dressed as a cowboy.

"What does Komaeda look like? I have to tell him my boat facts right away,"

"He's like... really pale. He has white hair and green eyes. He's pretty noticeable,"

Just then, Mioda opened the door for another guest. It was Komaeda. Hinata turned red. He looked really good. He was wearing a long, white gown. Above his head was a halo. Hinata couldn't tell how it was attached to him. And behind him were long, beautiful Angel wings.

"Hajime, is that Komaeda?"


The pale boy approached them. "Hey, Hinata-kun!"

"Hey. Nice costume,"

"Thank you! My dad made it. But yours is so awesome too. Cowboys are so cool..."

"Heh, I guess they are-"

"Komaeda." Kamukura said.

"Yes? Uhm, who are you?"

"Kamukura Izuru. Hajime's twin brother,"

Komaeda smiled. "Nice to meet you! I'm Komaeda Nagito,"

"Ahoy. Do you want to hear some interesting boat facts?"

"Oh, I'd love to!"

The dark-haired boy put an arm around Komaeda's waist and they walked away, talking about boats. Hinata sighed. "Damn..."

Kamukura and Komaeda sat on a couch together.

"Archaeological data states that the oldest boat in the world dates back to 8200-7600 BC. It is called the Pesse canoe and was discovered in the Netherlands. It was a three-feet long dugout, meaning it was made from a hollowed bark of the Pinus Sylvestris tree," Kamukura explained.

"That's so cool..." Komaeda said dreamily.

"The first ship to reach America only had 40 people on board, including Christopher Columbus. It was the size of a bus and it did not exceed 70 feet. Now, boats and ships are obviously not the same, but I think both are quite interesting,"

"Oh, me too! Can you tell me more?"

"Of course. A Frenchwoman, Jeanne de Clisson, became a pirate in the 1300s to revenge her husband’s death who was beheaded. She sold her lands to buy 3 ships. They were painted black with red sails. She hunted French ships, caught nobles, whom she personally beheaded with an axe,"


"Ships have a finite lifespan. Most ocean-going cargo ships have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years, but a plywood or fiberglass sailboat has 30 to 40 years. Ships constructed of solid wood can survive considerably longer, but they must be maintained regularly. If properly maintained, a steel-hulled boat can survive over 100 years. Because freshwater lakes are less corrosive than seawater lakes, freshwater ships endure longer,"

"Kamukura-kun, your facts are so cool! I had no idea boat-fans exist,"

"Hajime said you told him rabbit facts,"

"I did! I mean, I usually call them bunnies just because it sounds so cute, but rabbits and bunnies are the same actually. Would you like to hear some bunny facts?"


"Have you ever seen a video of a bunny doing a weird jump and twist in the air? That’s what bunnies do when they are very happy! This jump for joy is called a binky. That's so cute!!"

Kamukura nodded.

"Bunnies are very quiet pets, but they actually can make sounds. They will make a little oinking or honking sound when they are happy or excited. They will also growl or grunt if they are upset or trying to scare someone away.  The loudest sound a bunny makes is when they thump their strong hind legs against the ground. This thumping sound is a sign that the bunny is scared, or it’s your bunny letting you know they disapprove of something you are doing. Bunnies are also capable of screaming, but they usually don’t unless they are in a lot of pain or are extremely scared and believe they are going to die. But that's so sad, bunnies should never die..." He sulked.

"Oh, and! Bunnies eyes are located on the sides of their head for a reason. It gives them the ability to see in all directions at once. This includes the area behind them and above them, making it very hard to sneak up on a bunny. The only blind spot in a bunny's vision is the area directly in front of their nose. But luckily they have a strong sense of smell that helps them to know what’s in front of them. But just because bunnies can see in all directions at once doesn’t mean they can see perfectly. Bunnies are farsighted, and they have trouble seeing anything that’s very close to them. This is because in the wild, it’s more important for bunnies to be able to detect predators while they are still far away,"

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