26 | Kiss

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Hinata's words replayed in Komaeda's mind.

"I wish you were a girl,"

Did Hinata really like him?? Is that why he wanted him to be a girl?? No way. No way!!

"I wish you were a girl," Why else would someone say that?


"Izuru..." Hinata said, walking into his brother's room.


"Hypothetically... what would you say... if i hypothetically liked guys and girls both?"


"Hypothetically, dude!!!" He yelled.

"So it is him. Hajime, you know I would never judge someone for that. But ask him out as soon as possible. Komaeda is dying for you to like him back,"

"You really think so?"

"You really are dense..."

"Sorry? If it really was obvious, I'd notice it,"

"Hajime. Trust me, he likes you. I promise,"

Hinata shook his head. "Even if he does, I won't ask him out. I'm not gonna date a boy. That's too dangerous,"

"So you'll both like each other and just not date? You can do it in secret,"

"No. I don't wanna risk anything,"


That was easier said than done. They sat on Komaeda's bed together. Hinata looked into the pale boy's eyes. They were such a beautiful light green. His white eyelashes always made him look angelic.

"Hinata-kun, your hands are so warm." The brunet's hands were holding Komaeda's cold ones. He didn't even remember when that had happened.

"I'm always warm,"

Komaeda blushed. "You're getting pretty close to me,"

Was he? He hadn't noticed.


"It's okay. I like it." He smiled sweetly.

"You do?"

He nodded. Hinata came even closer. They could both feel each other's breaths on their lips now.

"Are you... are you going to kiss me, Hinata-kun?"

"Can I?"


Hinata grabbed Komaeda's head and pulled him in for a kiss. He leaned forward and once the kiss was over, Komaeda was laying on the bed.

"Do... you like me?" Komaeda asked.

"Uh, yeah,"

The pale boy looked up at Hinata. He still had that damn sweet smile on his face.

"What's up?" Hinata asked awkwardly. Komaeda seemed like he wanted something.

"Are you going to ask me out?"

"Uhh... right, that..."

"What's wrong? Are you... not going to?"

Hinata shook his head. "Sorry. I do like you, but... I can't date a boy. I just can't. I... god, I wish you were a girl..."

Komaeda sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. "I-it's not my fault I'm a boy,"

"I know. It would just be so much easier if you weren't. If you were a girl, I could kiss you all the time,"

"I'm not a girl though." He frowned, hiding his face further. "Stop saying that..."

"Did I say something wrong?" Hinata asked.

"You probably wouldn't get it... You don't know a lot about this kind of stuff,"

"What kind of stuff?"

"I... I used to be a girl,"

"HUH?? Then why didn't you stay one??"

"Because it wasn't right. I'm a boy,"

"I don't get that,"

Komaeda sighed and looked up again. "I was born a girl. But that just never felt right. So I told my dad and he knew what was up with me. He bought me tops that make my chest look flat and stuff like that so people would see me as a boy,"

"Ohh... And are you happier like this?"


Hinata smiled at him. "Cool. That's all that matters then,"

Komaeda hugged him tightly. He was surprised at first, but then rubbed his back.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now