4 | Mean

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"So, Komaeda-san, you must be aware that your clothing has caused a few controversies," The interviewer began. "For example, people have voiced their concerns regarding how revealing some of your clothing items are while they are being advertised to teenagers,"

He nodded. "Yes, I know that. But in reality, anyone can buy my clothes. They're separated in sizes, not ages. My teenage son absolutely loves wearing my clothes, so I'll allow him to wear them. I don't see teenagers as sexual at all, that would be gross. If a teenager wants to express themself wearing a crop top, they can. It's just showing their stomach, right? It's not like I'm forcing teenagers to walk around in lingerie. I'm just offering people clothes such as crop tops, shorts and skirts. None of the models that are shown in the advertisements are teenagers, either. I fully believe in letting people wear whatever they want,"

"I see. You mentioned your son, correct? Does he help you with some of the designs?"

"He sometimes mentions clothes he would like to have and I do design those, but most of my clothes are still designed by me. Of course I take his style into consideration. He was the reason I made this brand, after all,"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, he's always loved fashion and I wanted to be able to buy him exactly what he wants to wear. I also make sure to offer my clothes in lots of sizes. My son has always been very thin, his whole life, so often clothes that were supposed to be skin-tight were still baggy on him. Which means I make sure to offer clothes to very thin people, and plus-size people. Everything in between too, of course. Since he was little, I always called him Angel, which is why I chose that name for the brand,"

"How sweet!"

So the whole brand was made for Komaeda? His father bent over backwards to make sure Komaeda had everything he needed. Hinata had no idea how the pale boy still had insecurities. He turned off the TV. This was boring.


"Good morning, Hinata-kun!" Komaeda said, walking past him on their way to the school entrance. It was raining and Komaeda was holding a white umbrella that had bunny ears on it. "Ah, here! I have an extra umbrella if you need one!" He held it out to Hinata.

The brunet was in an especially bad mood this morning. "You really don't need to make fun of me for forgetting to bring my umbrella,"

"Huh? I wasn't, I promise!"

"Quit pretending to be nice, Komaeda." He said and walked away.

"What? I just-"

"Be quiet. I don't wanna hear it!"


"Why would you say that to him??" Souda asked. "He was trying to be nice!"

"No, he wasn't! He was making fun of me, why does no one see it??" Hinata argued.

Komaeda opened the door to the classroom, obviously really sad. He walked over to his desk and sat down.

"I hate to be the nice guy, but you gotta apologize,"

"What?? He was making fun of me!"

"No, he wasn't, dude! He likes you! He's trying to be friends with you!"


"Are stupid or just dense?? It's so obvious! No one in their right mind would think he hates you!"

Hinata sat down at his desk, dismissing his friend. Souda was wrong. Plain and simple.

During p.e. class, they played dodgeball. Komaeda wasn't good at sports at all, but he tried his best. Nidai however, was good. And he also tried his best.

"Watch out, dude!!!" Kuzuryuu shouted as a ball that looked like it was on fire flew towards Komaeda.


"He's dead!!" Tsumiki cried out.

They rushed towards him. "He's fine." The teacher said, checking his pulse. "Just passed out. Can someone take him to the nurse's office,"

"Hinata!" Souda offered.


"Okay. Hinata-san, you can carry him, right?"

"'Course I can!" He picked him up easily.

"Then bring him to the school nurse,"


A few minutes later, he sat in front of the bed that Komaeda laid on.

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now