20 | Tanaka

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As Komaeda walked through the halls of the school, he was suddenly stopped by a hand slamming into the wall next to his head.

"White mortal." Tanaka said.

"Actually, I'm Japanese, so-"

"White-haired mortal." He corrected himself. "Allow me to ask you a question,"

"Go ahead,"

"What... do you see in your half-witted comrade?"


"No. Hinata,"

Komaeda blushed. "What I see in him?"


"Oh, so much! He's so kind and amazing and handsome too! And he told me he would protect me,"

"You are talking about Hinata Hajime, yes?"

"Yes. Uhm, he thought I hated him for a while, but we're friends now,"

Tanaka raised an eyebrow. "What did you see in him before you became friends?"

"Hinata-kun is very smart, but sometimes he's so... slow. Ah! I just couldn't help but fall for him!" He said, smiling. "And I know he used to stare at me like he wanted to kill me, but... it was me he was staring at, you know?"

"I do not know, no. Do elaborate," Tanaka told him.

"I guess some people will never understand what it's like to be stared at with utter hatred. I feel sorry for them, truly..." he sighed.

"Hm. And why do you like it when he acts... slow, as you called it?"

"It's not like that, I know he's clever. It's just... it's charming, in a way. When a guy like him is a bit... dumb from time to time. I think there's even a word for that..." he put a hand to his chin, trying to remember it.

"I believe mortals would call it a 'him-bo'," Tanaka told him, struggling to pronounce the word.

Komaeda laughed. "Hahaha! That's exactly it! Sometimes his power just comes from his arms, rather than his brain. Only sometimes though!" He kept emphasizing that he knew Hinata wasn't actually stupid. "But in those moments I just want him to... ah..."

"To what?"

"To do what you're doing for example. I can't help but think about it... oh, I bet I sound like a total freak..." he sighed again, looking away from Tanaka.

"What... I am doing?"

Komaeda pointed at Tanaka's hand, which was still placed on the wall next to Komaeda's head.

"You... want him to back you into a wall to interrogate you?"

"No! I want him to do this... and then..." he whispered something.

"What did you say?"

He whispered it again.

"I cannot understand you,"

"Ugh, I said kiss me!" Komaeda yelled.

"Oh. I see. You truly are just like any other teenager that likes someone." He took a step backwards. "People call you weird and they call me weird too, so I assumed you might know what I can do. But, alas, no mortal would ever have good advice for me. I should have known!"

"Huh? What do you need help with, Tanaka-kun?"

"My dark queen... I love her. I do not know what to do!" He exclaimed.

"Ask her out. Everyone knows she likes you too,"

"No, I... I cannot do such a thing! I can't ask out someone as fearless and powerful as her!"

"Aren't you the 'overlord of ice' or whatever? And you can't even ask out your crush?" Komaeda tilted his head. "Are you shy, Tanaka-kun?"

He blushed and covered his face with his scarf.

"Oh, you totally are! I bet Sonia-san will think it's cute,"

"Cute?!" He shouted.

"Percisely. And you should ask her out. She will think it's charming,"

"But how??"

"Sonia-san isn't a very traditional girl. Maybe you could buy her black roses instead of red ones. And you can take her to an amusement park and tell her you love her in the haunted house," He said.

"That... does sound quite fitting for my dark queen,"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now