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Later, Komaeda was laying with his head on Hinata's chest.

"Mmh..." he hummed.

"Are you tired?"

"A bit..."

Hinata rubbed his back. He knew his face was bright red, but he did love Komaeda being so close to him.

"I have to go shower though," Komaeda said, slowly getting up.

"Nah." Hinata pulled him back down.

"Hey! Don't be so rough with me!" Komaeda complained and rolled off of Hinata, turning his back towards the brunet.

"Sorry." He hugged him from behind. "Didn't mean to hurt you,"

Komaeda laughed. "It didn't hurt, exactly. Why are you so touchy anyway?"

"Because..." Hinata hated how hot his face felt. "...you're so soft,"

"Huh? Soft?" Komaeda looked back at him, confused.

"And cold. Your skin, I mean. It feels nice," He explained.


They enjoyed being a couple a lot. Hinata didn't think he was gonna be so romantic, but turns out he was. However, it made Komaeda really sad whenever they pretended to be just friends while they were outside. And before, Komaeda could compliment Hinata all the time and tell him he's the coolest guy in the world. Now, when he did that, Hinata got nervous people would be suspicious of them and wanted him to stop.

"Hinata-kun, that was so good!" Komaeda said. "You totally destroyed the other team,"

"Uh, thanks." He looked away, checking to see if anyone was staring at them weirdly.

As they left the school gym, Komaeda held onto Hinata's arm, but got pushed off.

"Sorry," Hinata whispered. "But don't do that, okay?"

"Okay. Sorry,"

"It's fine,"

"HUUUHH???" Mioda gasped loudly, staring at them.

'Shit shit shit shit shit!!!' Hinata thought.

"Did you guys fight?? Usually you're fine with Nagi-chan clinging to you like you're walking him down the aisle,"

"I'm not doing that! I like girls," Hinata told her.

"Hahaha!! Ibuki knows that." She grinned. Then, she looked at Komaeda with a look that told him it was obvious that he didn't. Hinata knew that that was the look she was giving. 'Thank God it's just Mioda. She's not homophobic,' he thought. If it came out that Komaeda liked boys, his life would surely be ruined. She looked him up and down.

"I love your outfit today, Nagi-chan!" She said. "It's so cute. You look like Regina George if she was nice,"

"Oh, thank you so much!" He smiled.

Oh. Maybe she wasn't staring him up and down with the intent to analyze his sexuality. Maybe Hinata was just a coward that made lots of assumptions about people.

"You're welcome! But we should get to class now or Yukizome-sensei will be mad,"

"Yes! Hinata-kun, are you coming?"

"...right, yeah,"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now