10 | Camping

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"Do you have everything you need, Angel?" Komaeda's father asked.

"Yep, I made sure of that!"

"Okay, then have fun." He kissed his forehead. "And stay safe. I love you,"

"I love you too, dad,"

Saionji stared at them. "What kind of teenager still acts like this with their dad?" She asked.

"Just 'cause your dad doesn't love you doesn't mean others can't love theirs, you know?" Owari told her.

"Excuse me??"

"Who are you sharing a tent with?" He asked his son.


"Ah, that's good. Hinata-san is nice and responsible,"

"Alright, everybody can get in the bus now!" Yukizome called out.

"Goodbye, Angel. Have fun. I'll see you in a few days." He hugged Komaeda and then the students got on the bus.

"I am so excited!" Mioda sang as she ran to the back of the bus. "Nagito-chaaaan? I love your outfit today!"

"Thank you!" He smiled and sat down. Hinata sat down next to him.

When they arrived at the camping place, each duo grabbed a tent and their first task was to build it together.

"Have you done this before, Hinata-kun?"

He nodded. "Yeah, my brother and I used to go camping a lot before..." He trailed off, focusing on getting the tent set up.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Komaeda helped him out.

"I do, but he's... uh, he's cool. Like, I love him. He's my little twin brother, but he has trouble in like social situations. He stays at home in his room all day and never goes out,"

"Never? And how is he your little twin brother?"

"I'm 20 minutes older than him. And yeah, he never goes out. My mom brings him food into his room most of the time,"

"Oh no... Is he okay?"

"He's fine." Hinata chuckled. "If you knew Izuru, you'd know what I mean. He seems depressed, but he's really just bored,"

They were done with the tent by now. Their next task was a sort of game where they had to collect ingredients for the dinner they would cook.

The people who owned the camping place explained how it worked.

"The ingredients are all over the forest and you'll get a list of the things you'll need to find. You have to team up with another person. One of you has to collect the ingredients and the other has to protect them,"

"Protect them from what?" Souda asked.

"From us. We'll go into the forest ten minutes later and try to catch you. We'll only tap your body quickly. If the collector gets touched, you're out. If the other person gets touched, you can continue,"

"How are we supposed to protect the other person?" Hinata asked.

"However you like. We're trained fighters, we can handle high schoolers. So you can kick, punch, slap, whatever. And of course, we won't use our full strength. This is supposed to be fun after all. Now, if there aren't any questions left, you can choose your partners, grab a list and go into the forest,"

Hinata and Komaeda decided to partner up.

"Unless you really don't wanna be the collector, I wanna protect you if that's okay," Hinata said.

Komaeda smiled, blushing. "Oh, I don't mind at all! I can be the collector,"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now