9 | Drawing

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"Alright, now that you've chosen your partner for this lesson, I want you to draw them," The teacher said.

"Oh... crap." Hinata said, looking at Komaeda. He was really bad at drawing. The pale boy had already started sketching. He stared at the him. He needed to memorize all the details of Komaeda's face. His bangs were hanging in front of his eyes though. Hinata reached out and tilted up his chin. Komaeda's cheeks turned bright pink.

"Sorry, but I gotta look at you real quick," he said. "Okay... thin eyebrows, heart-shaped face, small mouth-"

"Small mouth?" Komaeda asked.

"Yeah. Okay, thanks. You can go back to drawing now,"

Komaeda touched his mouth, confused.

A while later, they were both done. Hinata did not want to show his drawing. It was terrible.

"Okay, here!" Komaeda said, turning the paper around.

"What the hell?? That's really good!" Hinata said.

"And what about yours?"

Hinata hesitantly turned his paper around. Komaeda's smile fell.

"Do... do you think I'm ugly?"

"No! I just can't draw at all!"

"Huh? But... where's my nose?"

"Right there!"

"I-I thought that was my eyebrow?"

"No, your eyebrow's up there!"

"Isn't that my ear?"

"Hahaha!!!" Souda laughed. "Dude, what the hell is that?" He pointed at Hinata's drawing.

"Shut up!" Hinata threw a pen at him.

"It's so ugly!!" He continued to laugh.

"Show me your drawing then,"

"Here." Souda held it up proudly.

Komaeda tilted his head. "Who... is that?"

"A horse," Hinata said.

"No, it's Tsumiki!!! And she said it was good!"

The door swung open, interrupting their fight. "Nanami!" Hinata said, happy. "Why are you in class? If I were you, I'd have gone home right after the trip,"

Nanami was part of the student council and all of the members had gone on a several-day field trip together to bring them closer as a group.

"A good student never misses a class unless they're sick," She explained.

"We're glad to finally have you back, girl!" Koizumi greeted her.

"I'm glad to be back too." She sat down. Ever since she joined the student council, she had been taking school way more seriously. Trying to figure out what she missed, she took a look at Souda's drawing. "Oh, are we making abstract art?" She asked.

Hinata laughed. "I told you it sucked!"

"Stop being mean!" Souda yelled.

In the next class, the the teacher told them they would go on a three-day camping trip soon. Komaeda sighed. He hated camping. His brother would always throw him into lakes and force him to eat worms and bugs. Komaeda's father stepped in each time, but it was still a horrible memory for him.

"Soul bro, let's share a tent!" Souda told Hinata, who grinned, nodding.

"No. You guys constantly fight." Yukizome said. "I don't want to deal with two high school students acting like kindergarteners,"

"What?? We never fight!" Souda argued.

"Yeah, he's like a brother to me and anyone who knows me knows I love all my brothers! I'd never fight with them," Hinata told her.

"Yeah, yeah. I said no so the answer is no,"

"Fine... ugh... Kuzuryuu, wanna share a tent?" Souda asked sadly and the short boy nodded.

Hinata looked over at Komaeda. The pale boy didn't seem to be paying attention.




"Oh! Yes?" He looked at him.

"Wanna share a tent?"

He blushed and looked down. "Mhm, sure!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now