29 | Kisses

117 9 35

Very important question help me!!! Please answer if you're a native English speaker. When someone is getting into bed, is it called "laying down" or "lying down"?
Also for after this story (it's not over yet) do you think a story where Komaeda is an angel and Hinata a normal human is a cool idea?

After school, they got into the car of Komaeda's father. It had dimmed windows, so Hinata felt comfortable kissing the pale boy there. Even before they had buckled up, Hinata leaned forward as they kissed until Komaeda was lying on the seats.

"Hinata-san!!" Komaeda's father yelped. "A-atleast wait until you're in his room..."

"Sorry!" He let go of Komaeda, who was blushing a lot. They both sat up straight and buckled up.

"You have lipstick on your face, Hinata-kun," Komaeda said. "Here, let me get it off,"

"Nah, it's fine,"

"Eh? Really?"

"Yeah. I think some people might not care if we're dating. And we just won't tell the ones who do,"

"So...we can tell our friends?"

"Yeah, just... let's do it together, okay? When I'm ready,"

Komaeda grinned and kissed Hinata's cheek multiple times. "You're the best!"

Mr. Komaeda sighed. "I remember when your mother and I used to be like that... she was so excited about dating me that she told everyone she met she had a boyfriend,"

"Well, unlike her, I won't defend my horrible son and let him almost kill his little brother and then divorce my husband, so it's fine,"

"You don't like your mom much, do you?"

"I love her a lot. But I'm really angry at her,"

"That makes sense,"


"Hinata-kun! I told you like twenty times not to be so rough!" Komaeda scolded as his back was pressed against a wall. Hinata pulled away from the kiss.

"Sorry, sorry. I just wanna kiss you so hard,"

"You can just kiss me with a normal amount of pressure,"

"Right." He gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Was that better?"

"A lot,"

Komaeda's father stared at them with wide eyes. They had no awareness of their surroundings, did they?


"Hinata-kun, aren't you going to feed me?"

The brunet turned red. "Oh, sure!" He picked up some food and lead the fork towards Komaeda's mouth.

"Somehow, the food tastes much better when you're the one putting it in my mouth," Komaeda pointed out.

Mr. Komaeda chewed his food, annoyed. Why was he third-wheeling in his own house?!


Hinata had an arm wrapped around Komaeda as they watched a movie. "Heh, that girl's almost as cute as you. Just almost though. You're still the cutest person in the world,"

"Oh, thank you!" Komaeda said. "And that guy's almost as handsome as you. But you're the most handsome guy in the world,"

"Thanks, babe." He kissed his forehead.

Komaeda's father felt so lonely next to them. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it.

"Are you okay?" Hinata asked him.

"No!" He exclaimed.

"Huh? Why?"

"How is someone not even half my age closer to being married than me?!"

"Married???" Hinata stared at him.

"Yes. Married. You look like you've been married for five years and have three children together,"

Komaeda looked at his boyfriend, stars in his eyes. He kissed his cheek. "Hinata-kun..."

"Don't give me that look!!! I am not having kids with you right now!"

"Then... how about having a kiss with me right now?"

"Hell yeah!" He grabbed Komaeda's face and kissed him, making sure to do it softly.

Mr. Komaeda sighed. He would be alone forever...

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now