18 | After The Party

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The next morning, Hinata went into the kitchen where his father was sitting, reading the newspaper. "Good morning, Hajime,"

"Morning..." He was so tired. He could barely get any sleep last night. He stayed up so long, just thinking.

"Are you okay? You look exhausted,"

Hinata sat down. "Dad..."


"How'd you know you only like women?"

His father put down the newspaper. "I mean... why would I like men?"

"Some guys like guys, right?"

He nodded. "Of course, but... What? Do you not know? Look, whoever you like, you're still my son and I'm happy as long as you're happy, okay?"

"I like girls! I know that. But like... ughhh, Komaeda's really pretty. I don't think I'm in love with him, that's pretty drastic, but... Can straight guys find other guys pretty?"

"Of course,"

"Oh, thank God!" He let out a sigh of relief. "I don't wanna be gay. I mean, I don't judge, but gay people can't even get married. It'd suck to be gay,"

"Hajime... liking men and women doesn't make you gay, it makes you bisexual,"

"Look, I'm not bye-sexual, that isn't what I said and I don't know anything about those kinda things. I like girls and I think Komaeda's pretty. Hah! I'm so relieved," He said and began making breakfast for himself.


"Hinata-kun will never like me back..." Komaeda sulked. "He didn't even tell me I'm the prettiest boy in the whole world and he wants to kiss me and carry me around and buy me flowers... he hates me!" He cried, hugging his dog. "He probably thinks I'm a weird freak with a crazy brother... And I can't even blame him, I'd hate me too if I were him! Oh, Hinata-kun... Why do I have to be so difficult? I'll never get a boyfriend and a fiancé and a husband like this. No man will ever fall for me. I will be alone forever." He rolled off the bed and landed on the carpet.


Yumi jumped on top of him. He sighed.

His father knocked on the door. "Nagito? I heard a thud. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

He opened the door. "Why are you on the floor?"

"Because I'm sad..." He sulked.

"Oh, what happened?"

"Nothing. I'm just sad. Can we go shopping?" He asked.

"Of course!" His father smiled. "But... you can also talk to me about your feelings if you want. I'm always there for you,"

Komaeda got up and picked out a pair of shoes to wear. "I know that. Thank you. But I'm fine. I just get sad sometimes,"

"Alright, Angel. Then let's go!"

♡ Pretty Boy | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now