Chapter 1 - It Begins

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He cost Bray a spot in the Money In The Bank ladder match. That was supposed to be his opportunity. His time to shine. Get a big win over Roman Reigns. But no, that didn't happen did it? Roman just had to win. He had to beat Bray. Of course. He's the future face of the WWE. He has to win. He's one of the new golden boys. He's untouchable... well he won't be anymore. Bray had had enough of this. Bray is going to take Roman Reigns down. Bring him down to his knees. Make him beg for it to end. Bray wants to get in his head. Ruin him. He had a plan, starting with the Money In The Bank ladder match. He would cost him the briefcase, that was step one. Let it commence.

*Money In The Bank Ladder Match*

Roman was slowly climbing the ladder, this had been a hard fought ladder match. Everyone had their chances, their moments where they thought they were going to win. They were fingertips away from living the dream but then it was ripped away. Dolph had his chances, Neville had his chances. They all got close but Roman was climbing the ladder. He was alone, he was going to become 'Mr Money In The Bank'. Th was fingertips away when the lights went out. Everything went black.

The lights came back on to reveal Bray at the foot of the steel ladder. Roman paused for a moment as Bray began to shake the ladder. Roman quickly tried to grab the briefcase but he couldn't. Bray had already initiated his descent, pushing the ladder Iver. Roman bounced off the ropes then falling victim to a 'Sister Abigail' at the hands of the Eater Of Worlds. Sheamus would then fight off Adrian Neville to win the briefcase.

Roman slowly stumbled backstage. He was hurting. Physically and mentally. He was so close. So damn close. He had touched that damn briefcase. Touched that thing that practically guaranteed him becoming world champion. World champion. All that ripped away because the asshole freak known as Bray Wyatt. What did he do to deserve this? To his recollection he had done nothing. Roman Reigns was an innocent man. Ask Dean Ambrose, he'd tell you the same. He's Romans best friend, his brother. Yes they may not be blood but blood isn't everything. Dean knew that from his own experience. His dark childhood. No one knew much about it. No one but Roman. He would slowly tell him bits and pieces and Roman would show him the love he had missed out on during his youth.

Dean was sat in the locker room. Everything prepped for Roman for when he would return. His 'street' clothes lined up and his toiletries next to them, neatly surprisingly. Nothing was particularly neat about Dean. He was unruly, unstable, just like his hair and that nickname he had earnt over his time in WWE. He knew his brother would be upset when he finally returned. He had sat and watched that ladder match, shouted and screamed at the screen when Bray got involved in the match. He did kick one of the steel chairs across the room but he had placed it to the side now.

Roman staggered into the room. Dean quickly jumped up to aid his brother. Help him to the bench. The samoan initially went to push the ohioan away but Dean wasn't having any of it.
"Don't even try it. I'm helping, like it or not."
"Thanks." Roman replied quietly.
"You're welcome. You're my brother. I'm not gonna sit by and watch you struggle."
"I appreciate it. Sorry for trying to push you away."
"It's alright Rome. Just don't hit me with a steel chair and we'll always be good."
"I won't. I promise dude. You are a brother to me. Your family Dean, I'll never betray you like he did."
"I know." Dean then went silent. Roman knew deep down Dean still loved Seth, as that younger brother he needed to protect. Roman felt the same but Dean would always come first. He knew Dean had his inability to trust people. If he gave you his trust, it was something special. You had become something special to him. Someone he now held dear.
"You better kick his ass tonight."
"I will."
"Don't just kick his ass, get that title. Bring that baby home." Dean remained quiet. "Dean?"
"You good?"
"I'm never nervous bro."
"Dude I can see it myself."
"Really. I didn't know we were doing Miz impressions."
"We did sound like Miz didn't we?"
"Shoot me."
"Nah, you got a match. I can't kill you just before your match."
"I didn't say kill me bro. Just shoot me in the leg."
"No! No excuses for not going out there tonight. This is your playground."
"Well, the chairs and tables. Not so much the ladders."
"You'll be fine. Your Dean Ambrose. The fearless bastard."
"Fuck off. I'm not Nikki. I'm badass."
"Ok, badass Dean. I like it."
"Me too."

The small talk continued until a member of WWE's backstage personnel came to get Dean.
"Good luck brother."
"Thanks. Take a shower and I'll see you after the match."
"I will. See you soon brother."

The main event had ended. Both men had hold of the title until they hit the mat. Dean had been beaten down more in this match, the impact of hitting the mat caused him to release his hold on the title. Your winner, Seth Rollins. Seth said he would beat Dean on his own, by the narrowest of margins he did.

The Iowan native left the ring, pleased with himself while he left Dean heartbroken. He had sat up, tears were falling down his face. He tried to cover them up the best he could. It was a mixture of the pain he was in physically and emotionally that he had lost yet another championship match. Would he ever catch a break? It certainly didn't feel like it at the time.

Roman was sat backstage with tears of his own. He knew how much this match has meant to Dean. It was Dean's time to get people to look and say, Dean Ambrose is the fucking future. Its not just Seth Rollins, the guy that broke the Shield. It's not just Roman Reigns that made it to the main event of Wrestlemania. What did Dean Ambrose do? Nothing except from lose to everyone at a pay per view since the split. Well that was until Luke Harper came along of course.

Dean stood at the door of the locker room for a few moments. He knew Roman would have done the same as what he did for him earlier. Everything for a shower lined up. He was about to go in when he felt this gentle touch on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry about your match my child. I was hoping that you would have won."
"Ok, thanks I guess." Again he went to go.into the room, he was able to open the door slightly.
"Dean. I truly am sorry angel."
"Bray, let go of my arm." Roman heard Dean say his name and he was up like a shot.
"Back off Bray." Roman said sternly. "Walk away before I do what should be done on Raw right now."

Bray did as was wished by Roman and Dean. He slowly walked away humming, "He's go the whole world in his hands.". The pair re entered the room. Dean looking confused. Worried.
"Dean, you ok?"
"Uh, yeah. Be careful with him around. You never know what he's gonna do."
"I will. You aswell."
"You think he's gonna come after me?"
"I don't know. I hope not."
"Just make sure he doesn't get into your head."
"I'll do my best."
"I guess I'll head for my shower. I won't be long."
"Don't you go getting lost in your thoughts dude. You'll be there all night."
"Shuddup. I love you Roman."
"I love you too Dean."

Meanwhile in the dark areas of the arena was Bray. His laugh filling the open air.
"Oh Dean my child. I'm coming for you. You are my ticket into Romans head. Watch you back boy." That laugh returned to fill the empty air around him.

Roman and Dean need to watch their backs, Bray Wyatt has his eyes locked on his next target and will stop at nothing to break him. Run!

### Yep. Back with another story. Just so you guys know this will probably the only part of the story that will be based on what's happened at Raw or Smackdown. I don't know how long this will be and I don't have an ending yet but I do have some stuff that I will write in. One question, you know how Bray had a picture of little Joelle, would you like to see the same happen here but it be a private picture of Dean and Roman? Let me know in the comments guys and if you have any ideas for what I put in this story, I am willing to listen and add it in. Hope you stay with this story, I'll try and make it as creepy as I can. We all know what Bray is like. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think. Ciaaaaaaaooooooo!!!!

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