Chapter 37 - Time Away

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They all needed it. It was seriously long overdue. Just a little bit of time, even if it be just a few days away from everyone and everything. It was needed. Time to take a few moments to collect themselves. Clear their heads. Mostly ones though. One that had been subject to mind games of all kinds. Subjected to brainwashing, which hadn't had been easy at all. It had taken its strain and it was most definitely showing.

Dean was exhausted. This first day he refused to move from his bed. Every fibre of his being had been tampered with and just needed to rest. Rest and relax. Just a little R&R. It would work wonders.

The duvet stayed right close to his chin as he looked in Romans direction. Roman had pulled the sofa chair into the bedroom to be with Dean. He didn't need to talk. He was just there, his presence being around made Dean feel so much safer.

He just wished all this could be over. He was so tired.

"Hmm?" Dean sat up, slightly moved over, enough space for Roman to sit. He then motioned for Roman to sit on the bed, Roman obliged. Dean then pulled Roman close, encasing him in an embrace.
"Just relax. I've got you."
"You're always here. No matter what."
"You're my brother. Family. I don't abandon family. Not ever."
"Why me though Roman? There's a whole locker room of guys you could be close to. You picked me... why?"
"Because you are... you. I can't explain it really. There was something about this guy when I walked in the room that drew me in."
"Was it Seths two toned hair?" Roman chuckled.
"Nah, there was a guy sat next to him with this smile on his face. He was acting really goofy too."
"That was Seth."
"Didn't think Seth had short, dirty blonde hair?"
"Oh yeah, we swapped hair styles for the day."
"Oh I see. I thought you looked weird with black and golden hair."
"Thanks. Note to never try and have Seths hair."
"Stick with your own. Perfectly suits you."
"Thank you Roman."
"For what?"
"Everything. For that day, picking Seth and I to hang with that day. For becoming my brother. Becoming my best friend."
"Pleasure was all mine. You are the best guy I know D. I know a lot and you are the best. Don't you try and disagree with me either."
"So you prefer hanging with my crazy ass over Seths?"
"Yeah, I do. Don't till him though, our secret."
"Ok... Hate to spoil this brother moment but, I need to pee now."
"Your bladder is as bad as your stomach."
"It's not that bad."
"You always need to pee or eat, pain in the rear."
"Usually a nice meanie though."
"Yeah. I'll be back in a second then."

A few minutes later, there was the sound of glass smashing coming from the bathroom.


"Stop smashing things Dean. I want us to enjoy this time together. It's special."

"Leave me alone Bray! Stop!"

"We have a special bond Dean. We are the same."

"Shut up!" Dean took himself into the shower cubicle and turned the water on ice cold. The hope was to shock his body into getting rid of Bray. He flinched hard when the initial splatters of water hit his skin, in turn his skin quickly adapted to the cold water. He rocked himself back and forth. Muttering the same thing over and over.

"He's not real. He's not real."

"I am real. I'm always with you."

"He's not real. He's not real."

The next thing Dean knew, Roman was in the cubicle, holding him.

"Come back Dean. Come back. It's ok. I'm going to turn this water off ok?"
" 'kay."

Roman pulled the shivering body of Dean up, not that Dean realised he was shaking so violently.

"Here, sit in the toilet for a moment. Need to get you warmed up."
"Let's get these on you." Roman replied, worry filling his face as he wrapped Dean in a couple of towels.

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