Chapter 10 - This Is What I Remember

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It was ten before any of the three men woke. Roman and Rowan woke minutes after each other. They quietly sat on the sofa together and had the TV on low. Neither wanted to disturb Dean. They knew, well Roman knew he'd wake up with a huge headache. If he didn't then he was extremely lucky.

"How bad is his face? The bruising."
"Bad. It was already turning black when I went to check on him when I left you to see him."
"Don't worry about it. I've knocked him out before. Full on unconscious for a few minutes. Saying that he has done the same to me."
"Yeah, back in the Shield days. Seth tried to stop us from arguing all the time but he wasn't able to stop us from knocking each other out. We always waited for him to quickly run to the shop before we decided to fight, physically."
"I guess Seth came and was majorly pissed with you guys."
"Oh yeah. There was one time we pissed him off so much at the arena one say, he waited until we got to the hotel before literally bashing our heads together. Then he just stated he was going for a shower."
"I suppose that's one way to deal with it. Not something I'd do myself but each to their own."

Dean quietly staggered into the room.
"Who's owning what?"
"We were just talking about-" Roman turned, now seeing how Dean's eye was now. "Holy shit Dean."
"What?" Absently minded, Dean rub his eyes and shouted out. "Fuck that hurts. What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"Last thing I remember is getting in bed about 10. What? Did Bray do this, didn't break in?"
"Dean, I'm sorry. It was me. I didn't mean to I swear."
"You hit me Rowan? Why? What did I do?"
"You were trying to wake me up from my nightmare. I was throwing punches in my dream, so I thought and you caught one. I'm so sorry Dean."
"Damn. It's ok. Lucky we aren't booked at Smackdown this week then."
"How do you know?"
"I got a text this morning Roman. Hunter sent it."
"Ah right. Do you want me to go and get some ice for that?"
"Nah, I'll be fine Rome."
"Just let me know if you do."
"I will Mom..."
"Dean, don't be an ass."
"Rowan, what was you dreaming of? Well, your nightmare..."
"It was the stuff Bray did to me."
"What did he do?"
"I'll tell you. I'll tell you what I remember."

"You're just a child Erick. A child trapped inside of a man's body. I can help you my child. I can heal you. You won't be looked down on, shunned from the world for being different. Erick, let me be your saviour..."

"Those words sucked me in. He wanted to fix me, help me. I didn't know what really lied ahead for me."


"Will you let me help you Erick? Let me heal you. I can make you better. I can only do that if you let me."
"You want to be accepted by the world that shuns you. Promise me Erick, things will get tough but you need to trust in me. I can do this for you my child."
"I promise. I will stand by you, let you do whatever you need to."
"Come with me."

Rowan was led to a dark cabin in the woods. It had the bare essentials any human being would need. That is all he would need. Little did he know he were to be stripped to the bone. His personality was be completely reformed, to Brays liking. He would make Rowan believe what he wanted but he would just be a pawn in whatever master plan Bray had.

Weeks had past and Rowan had been stripped down to the bone, just how Bray wanted. He had had some help from a man which he had done the same to. His name, Luke Harper.

Each day Bray carved into Rowans chest, the same word in the same place. No day that passed was he free from the pain. Bray would carve the word "CHILD". Over and over and over. It would most definitely leave a permanent scar, each time the wound becoming deeper.

This day was different. Bray didn't carve into Erick at all. Instead he brought a bag into the room, filled with little bits and pieces. There was a CD in there which Bray would play for Erick to hear. It constantly said, Bray is your saviour. Sister Abigail is the shall pray to each morning and night.

Luke would come in, himself under Brays illusions and torture Erick. Not mental torture, physical torture to accompany what Bray is forcing you to believe. Make you believe you belong to him, it if hadn't been for him you would be nowhere. You would be dead. You simply were nothing without him.

Punches and kicks rained down on him. He could do nothing. He easily told to accept this. He needed to go through this to become the man he oh so desperately wanted to be. A man that would be accept in this life. He wasn't that different. He wasn't that strange. No, he was a goodan that shouldn't be judged by his size, his look or his other interests. Now, he had no control over anything. He was basically putty in Brays hands. He could mould Erick to be whoever he wanted. A carbon copy of himself or of Harper. Actually no, he wanted something slightly different to Harper but still a monster. A monster he could control. His puppet.

"Accept Bray. Don't pull away. Believe in everything he tells you. Worship him."

*Back to current time*

"He stripped you down, made you into someone he you wanted to be."
"Yeah. I don't want anything like this to happen to either of you. The mental torture and physical, I couldn't wish that upon anyone. Not even on Bray himself. He will change you. Even the strongest people, like you two, he could still rip you to pieces. He has his ways. Whatever it may be, he'll hold you hostage inside your own head. He'll make you believe whatever he want you to. I don't remember everything he did to me, in sure there was more that he doesn't want me to remember. I want to protect you both. Will you let me help?"
"Yeah..." Dean said and Roman nodded in agreement.
"Rowan, anytime you remember anything or if any of this gets too much, let us know."
"I will, thank you. Both of you. Do me a favour?"
"Just always keep an eye out. He's always watching and waiting to strike."
"We will. Us three will stick together."

A few hours, Roman had recieved a call from Stephanie, asking if they would be able to appear at the Smackdown tapings. They agreed and Roman had quickly asked if someone would be able to help with Dean's eye. Maybe get some make up put on it, make it look a little better than it did now.

One hour later and they were at the arena, luckily when they arrived no fans were outside that they saw. Thank god for that because Dean didn't want everyone to see his eye. In his words, it looked fucking horrible.

One of the first things they did was head to the make up table. Although Dean firmly believe make up was just for girls, he agreed just this time, he have some to make his eye appear less bruised than it was.

Just before the guys left, Carly, the make up artist spoke up.

"Dean, before you go. I was passed this paper to give to you. From Bray. I'm guessing it's probably about tonight's tapings."
"Thanks Carly."

The three walked down the corridor before Dean opened the paper.

This is your last chance Dean. I'm giving you this one and final chance to walk away. I don't have a problem with you. My quarrell is not with you. My quarrell is With the man you call a brother Roman. If you stand by him, I will have no choice.

You are cursed Dean, cursed with loyalty. Use your head, listen to it. Don't listen to your heart.

It's the best for. Your own wellbeing.




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