Chapter 28 - He's Gone

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## I hate to start off a chapter like this but I need to rant.

I like to work on one shots, or short stories as well as work on this story for you guys. I enjoy working on more than one thing, sometimes it helps give me ideas for this story and vice versa.

What I hate is when people go onto whatever new piece I upload and decide to comment asking for an update for another story. (Aka this one.)


I'm looking for feedback on that story not anything else.

Updates come when I have written them. Yes, sometimes I take longer than what I want to update and I apologise for not updating as much as I want to.

Stories don't write themselves and sometimes working on others helps so you don't get stuck with writers block all the time. Writing isn't as easy as some might think.

What I'm asking is please don't comment on other pieces I post just asking for an update for another story because it pisses me off. And also don't just comment on a chapter, just after I have updated and practically demand another chapter. I don't write a chapter ahead, once I update, that's the only chapter I've written. The next chapter will take time to write.

Be patient because I actually have a life aswell. Give me and other writers time.

Sorry for starting off like this but it needed to be said.

Please enjoy the chapter. :)

Roman was just... he was stunned. He would never do such a thing to Dean. Why would he abuse, inflict pain in him in such a way. He loves Dean, he loves every fibre of him so why in the hell would he ever lay a hand on him like that?

He was disgusted. Surprising to most, he wasn't disgusted or angry at Dean. He couldn't be. He knew, this wasn't Dean. Not the real one.

The real Dean would never ever say that.

Dean was loyal to him. So fiercely loyal. Before all this, he would probably... no... he would die for Roman. He would and Roman would most definitely do the same. Roman was and is so protective over those he loves dearly.

All he ever did was care, care and love Dean.


That wasn't the real Dean. It wasn't. Brays done something.

You saw the flash of the real Dean. He is in there. He's trapped in there.

You have to get him out Roman. He can't do it by himself. Help him Roman.

Help Dean, Roman, find a way.

Save your little brother.


On auto pilot, he exited the ring, heading backstage. Seth and Rowan were already there, knowing he'd probably find somewhere to go hide. Why would he want to be around so many people?

Aw Roman, we don't believe what Dean said. You have a heart of gold. You are perfect.

He's fucked up, he's unstable. He doesn't know what he's doing or what he's saying half the time.

He is Dean Ambrose, he's the crazy one. He's this and that. You are Roman Reigns, the caring, doting brother.

You are the better man. Keep your head up son. Forget about him, he's not worth the trouble.

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